Last November, once again, I flew to Dublin to attend my favourite Improv Festival. I’ve been coming to every single one since 2018 because I’m in awe of the fantastic and supportive community built in Dublin. The biggest part of the responsibility for that lies with my friend Neil Curran, a great improviser and facilitator and a terrible paella cook. I felt privileged to perform with him and other top-notch improvisers like Brian James O’Connell, Ryan Murphy, Niamh O’Keeffe and Ann Crimmins.
Another show I was in was the improvised Star Space Trek Show directed by Ann Nichols with a combination of American and Irish improvisers (plus me). This was the first time I did a genre show (not) based on a pop culture franchise and had a great time.
When it came to the workshops, I took workshops from Brian James O’Connell that were mindblowing, and I’m talking about turning point stuff for me. He helped me realize who I am as an improviser. Not that I didn’t know, but sticking to my truth is sometimes I tend to forget when it comes to improv, especially trying to appeal to what people expect from it. After those workshops, I promised myself that I would stick with my style and teach what I preach. I also attended two good workshops led by Monica Gaga and Amy Larimer.
Besides all of that, I watched a lot of shows being my favourite “Tangled”, beautifully performed by Amy Larimer and Andrey Ramirez. And I also met and connected with new people from different countries.
Once again, this festival didn’t disappoint my expectations and I’m looking forward to the next one.