One country, two cities, three flights, over forty people, and countless stories. I spent ten days in Mainland China, facilitating advanced playback practices. Our focus was on enhancing the dimensional work on stage and introducing acapella techniques to add a unique musical layer to the stories. La Strada Playback Theatre hosted me in Shanghai, while Kapok Theatre extended the same warm welcome in Guangzhou. Both groups made me feel like a VIP, a humbling experience that fills me with gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with them bring three intensive days of work to their cities.
My first experience in China introduced me to its incredible warmth, both in terms of its people and its delicious vegetarian cuisine. The contrast of tradition and omnipresent technology fascinated me, although it’s essential to note that moving around safely depends on avoiding political activism.When I started this Playback Theatre thing more than a decade ago I could’ve never imagine the chances and experiences that it’s bringing in my life.

谢谢 La Strada
谢谢 Kapok