So, 2020 is over and it deserved an infamous spot in history books. A lot of tragedy struck a lot of people. As much I struggled with the many lockdowns and self isolations ,I consider myself lucky for staying healthy. 2020 brought a lot of silver linings like online improv and playback theatre. I also will remember this year as the one my partner and I started a new life in London. That was the main highlight of the year. There were more, like joining Improv as a Second Language group and True Heart Theatre. Also, I had a lot of opportunities to play with my Iberian playback theatre family, bond with Improv Utopia friends and make new ones thanks to the improv place.
We are lying to ourselves if we think that things will change automatically along with the last digit, but there’s a psychological click that makes us hope for a change. Meanwhile, we always will look back to this year sourly so… here’s the thing. A few days after the pandemic started Chris Mead shared this idea of starting a WhatsApp journal and although he dropped around March I kept the headlines going along Stuart Moses. I decided to offer you this long and not even finished journey with you all. I don’t expect you to read it since it’s soooooo long, but I thought of it as a way to keep a record of this awful year hoping to laugh about it in the future. It’s a slightly edited version of the WhatsApp daily headlines I wrote. There will be typos and lack of coherence somewhere. But, hey, it’s my diary, as long as I understand it… There’s routine, movies, tv shows, videogames, despair, learning experience and (of course) improv and playback theatre.
I wish you all, from the bottom of my heart, a pre-pandemic normal 2021.

[23/03/2020, 22:21:46] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up around 7:30 and got breakfast while watching the last episode of Rick & Morty. Went to my desk whole morning just in case the University needed something from me. Made a time lapse video of my cat sleeping. I made the Elefant Records logo from Hama beads and made a time lapse of that as well. Got lunch. Had rest with one of my cats. FaceTime with wife. Played PlayStation 4. Practiced guitar and ukelele. Facilitated a 2 hours training online with my improv troupe. FaceTime with wife. Had dinner. Watched episode 2×03 of Sex Education.
[24/03/2020, 22:19:07] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up around 7:30. Downloaded Disney+ app and got breakfast while watching a Frozen short. Went to my desk. Made a time lapse video of my other cat sleeping. Went out to buy groceries. Bought a lot because I’m trying to lower the times I go out to twice a week. Got lunch. Watched an improv show with storytelling and drawing live on Instagram. FaceTime with wife. Started a rewatch of the whole Star Wars lore with Phantom Menace while assembling cardboard boxes for sending things to London and pack the rest for storing. Watched a live streaming of Feña Ortalli talking about soccer and improv. I don’t like soccer. Watched a live streaming concert of indie band Cariño. FaceTime with wife. Had dinner. Watched episode 1×03 of Castle Rock. Off to bed.
[25/03/2020, 22:58:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5:45 and couldn’t sleep more so at 6:30 I started watching SW Attack of the Clones. After breakfast went to my desk. Made more Hama beads creations. After lunch, I took a long nap with my cat Jon. I finished Attacked of the Clones. I joined a sound painting masterclass by Omar Galvan in Zoom. FaceTime with wife. I shaved my face completely after almost 10 years. I bubble wrapped a lot of things for sending it to London, included my PS4 set so my wife can play. FaceTimed with her and we set up our new TV that got to our London flat finally. Netflix and Disney+ worked like a charms. Felt sad because I wanted to be there. Had dinner while watching The Clone Wars trying a fan ultimate order chronologically accurate. I started with episode 2×16. I bubble wrapped a few more things. Went to bed.
[26/03/2020, 23:19:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up at 7:15 because I heard Bran vomiting in the corridor so I went to clean it. Since I was awake I ate breakfast while watching Clone Wars and went to the desk. I had an online meeting and later my project for today was turning and old unused laptop into a media center. I installed LibreElec Linux distro on it and worked quite well. Had to struggle a little bit to install the torrent server. Got it working and now I can send to that machine torrent links from any device under my network. Recorded a silly video. Had lunch and took a nap. Today I didn’t join any improv stuff online. I played Kingdom Hearts 3 and FaceTimed with Mai before dinner. I watched episode 1×04 of His Dark Materials. Closed the second cardboard box I have to send. Went to bed.
[27/03/2020, 22:18:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today’s temperature drop and I could tell cause I spent all the day a little bit under the weather and with headache. Also I’m sad because I was supposed to fly to London today. I woke up at 7:30 and had breakfast watching Clone Wars. I started storing things in boxes. Today it was a pile of old theatre scripts and my Japanese textbooks and notes. After lunch I took a nap and played a little bit to Kingdom Hearts 3. I’ve met with some of my students on Skype not to teach but to avoid them to become rusty (they were) we played some improv games and a duo scenes. I watched These Folks streamed show from Bristol Improv Theatre twitch account. Had dinner and FaceTimed with Mai. Watched “Birds Of Prey” movie. It didn’t suck like the “Suicide Squad” movie. Bed time.
[28/03/2020, 23:34:12] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8 and watched Clone Wars having breakfast. I went to buy to the supermarket. It was the 2nd time this week I go outside home since we are in strict mandatory lockdown. I made lunch and had a nap. Talked to my brother via phone. FaceTimed with Mai. Made laundry and dishes. Made pizza for dinner. I watched “The Platform” movie on Netflix. Everybody should see it, especially nowadays. Fought with my computer trying to make the integrated Nvidia GPU work under Linux. Still fighting but I’ll go to bed soon.
[29/03/2020, 22:23:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up feeling like they stole half of the morning with the time change. Usual breakfast and Clone Wars. I continued fighting with my computer to realize the nvidia chipset was faulty. So no more dedicated hardware acceleration from my PC. I installed again KDE Neon distro. Lunch. FaceTimed with Mai. Since I couldn’t go to London I revisited Victorian London from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Practiced ukelele. Made bedroom chores changing sheets and folding clothes. I blasted music through the headphones and danced alone while my cats were evaluating my mental health. Skyped with my friends from the Quart de Poblet improv league. Had dinner watching an interview to Pepe Mujica, former president of Uruguay, regarding the actual world situation. That man is the wisest. Brushed my teeth and put on a new Invisalign braces. To bed.
[30/03/2020, 23:09:07] Ferran Luengo: DH (skipping meals). First day after the government announced even more strict confinement. Watched a couple of episodes of Clone Wars. Went to print labels for the boxes I’m sending tomorrow and to the supermarket. That was the only time I plan to go out this week. I installed Animal Crossing… for 3DS. Also I was bored so I plugged in the PS3 and played a little bit of Red Dead Redemption. Made home chores. Had a training with Valencia Improv Playground. FaceTimed Mai a couple of times today. I want to be able to leave the country, sometimes it’s hard to cope with the situation. Started Inside No. 9, watched first episode of the first season. Bed.
[31/03/2020, 22:51:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Watched Mai’s last conference on YouTube. Listened to Improv London podcast episode featuring Hannah Platts. The courier came for the first boxes bound to London. Checked if the rockband instruments for the Xbox 360 still work so I can sell them. Made mushroom pizza with extra cheese. Installed more addon repositories in my LibreElec media center laptop. FaceTimed with Mai. Vacuumed the floor. Had dinner watching episode 1×04 of Castle Rock. Played with the PS3 a little. Went to bed thinking that I should work out a little while the lockdown goes.

[01/04/2020, 21:38:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today has been the 20th day of lockdown. Watched some Clone Wars. Made some work. Played some Animal Crossing on the 3DS. Created Mario Bros power ups with Hama beads. Cooked for today AND tomorrow. Took a nap. Watched a live chat created by Moscow improv group. FaceTimed Mai. Played some LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean on PS3. Watched Feña Ortalli’s weekly chat about improv on Instagram. Had dinner watching a horror comedy movie called “Bad Milo” (it’s bad). FaceTimed Mai again. Bed.
[02/04/2020, 22:38:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: I watched more Clone Wars while breakfast. Made more Hama beads creations. Upgraded the Nintendo Switch so I could jump in the Animal Crossing wagon (FOMO). Out of curiosity, I checked first hand the GameCube and Wii entries to see how the series evolved. After lunch and nap, I cleaned the kitchen and went out to dispose of the garbage (15 seconds though). I chatted with friends through Slack. Had dinner while watching 1×02 of Inside No. 9 (it was briliant). FacedTimed Mai. Made the coffee so I can have it done in the morning. Bed.
[03/04/2020, 23:08:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching clone wars. This morning I made two short movies. One for the birthday of a friend and one for a challenge made by a friend who runs a youth center. FaceTimed Mai. Bought Tabletop Simulator on steam so I could play with her online. Watched ImproValladolid live stream on Instagram. Watched Neil Curran interviewing Maura Mannle on Facebook. I was in the super fun improv jam for Dublin’s The Tightrope. Watched first episode of Part 4 of La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) on Netflix. Played a little bit. Bed.
[05/04/2020, 00:25:04] Ferran Luengo: D.H: Woke up to have breakfast while watching last episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Went out after 5 days locked down to buy groceries, it was nice and sunny. Made lunch and ate it watching La Casa de Papel. Played GLÜX on line with Mai via Steam’s Tabletop Simulator. Played Anima Crossing. Made pizza. Watched more La Casa de Papel. Played Scythe with friends also with Tabletop Simulator. Not going to bed yet because at 3A.M. I’m in an Improv Utopia online show. Trying to stay awake.
[05/04/2020, 22:55:16] Ferran Luengo: DH: Went to bed at 5:00AM from last night and woke up at 11:30. Watched La Casa de Papel. FaceTimed Mai. Played Kingdom Hearts 3. After lunch I started to watch the Tiger King documental everybody is talking about and more La Casa de Papel. Played GLÜX with Mai on Tabletop Simulator. I logged in the Zoom session Lena Breuer organized about diversity and women in Improv. Had dinner watching La casa de Papel. FaceTimed Mai. Played Animal Crossing. I owe a lot of money to Tom Nook. Bed.
[06/04/2020, 23:04:40] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Made chores on Animal Crossing. Worked a little. Found out only one of the two big boxes I sent to London arrived. There was a pan on it and it was bent on one side even it was bubble wrapped. Luckily the PS4 made it in one piece and works. Let’s hope the second box makes it there tomorrow. After lunch I spent most of the day doing craft while Tiger King was on the screen. I did pause 30 minutes for playing with the cats. I had Valencia Improv Troupe rehearsal vía Zoom. FaceTimed Mai and she was happy the hair trimmer got there and she told me about how she finally beat a Doom level she was struggling with before she went to London. Watched 4×07 of Money Heist. Bed.
[07/04/2020, 21:31:37] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Did Animal Crossing chores. Had a lot of work for the University this morning. After lunch I took a nap and played a little bit to Kingdom Hearts. Watched “Moving Parts” a documentary about Trixie Mattel on Netflix. FaceTimed Mai. The other box got safely to the London flat. Had dinner watching the last episode of La Casa de Papel. Bed.
[08/04/2020, 22:39:14] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up half an hour before the alarm. Got breakfast watching clone wars. Did some work, did some crafting and went to buy groceries which was the first time I went out this week. After lunch took a short nap. Played a little bit of Kingdom Hearts and make house chores, specially folding laundry. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching episode 2×04 of Sex Education. Got mad at AirBNB because they’re asking for proof for travel restrictions in order to get the refund of the place I booked for the cancelled Robin Hood Improv Festival. Now in bed trying to get rid of the bitterness.
[09/04/2020, 23:17:13] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast with Clone Wars. Did some work. A friend and colleague from Valencia Improv Group came to my place to have lunch and watched 4 of Terrace House new batch of episodes. Took a nap. Played Kingdom Hearts. FaceTimed Mai. Watched Takeshi Kitano’s “Achilles and the Tortoise” (I liked it). Bed.
[10/04/2020, 22:24:15] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Finished Kingdom Hearts 3 (a little bit disappointing). FaceTimed Mai. Had lunch. Took a nap. Watched Terrace House. Did laundry. I sat by the window to read a little bit. I attended a playback theatre session on Zoom by my “playbacker” friends from Salamanca and Lisbon. Got a message from a girl from Mexico saying that she’s using my thesis on Playback Theatre on hers. Made me happy. FaceTimed Mai. Made pizza. Watched the new reboot/remake of The Grudge (it’s awful). Bed.
[11/04/2020, 23:01:57] Ferran Luengo: DH: Got breakfast watching RuPauls Drag Race. FaceTimed Mai. Practiced ukelele. Went out to buy grocery’s and had to queue for more than half an hour. Had lunch. Did an online show with Improv Utopia friends. Registered into Google Stadia for a trial period and played on line with some friends. Had dinner. Watched Japanese cult movie “Hausu” (it’s nuts). FaceTimed Mai. Went to bed.
[12/04/2020, 23:43:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had Breakfast watching anime (High Score Girl on Netflix). FaceTimed Mai. Worked a little. Try a couple of games available on Google Stadia. Cooked for today’s and tomorrow’s lunch. Took a nap. Watched some more anime. Realized AirBnB made the refund for the Nottingham cancellation. Bought Dark Souls Remastered in Xbox Easter offers. Logged in into a Zoom meeting about women in improv with plenty of people from Spain and South America. FaceTimed Mai and we played GLÜX on Tabletop Simulator. Had dinner watching “Guns Akimbo” (IDK what expected, it was just ok-ish). Moved the computer into the living room and set up there the working space to have a new vibe during the week. Played a raid on Destiny 2 through Stadia. Bed.
[13/04/2020, 22:58:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up kind of late (11 a.m) because I kept waking up last night. It was holiday in Valencia so I didn’t care. Had breakfast watching anime and did some Animal Crossing chores. FaceTimed Mai. Played Dark Souls and died a lot. Had lunch which I have to thank yesterday’s Ferran for cooking it. Watched an episode of Terrace House. Played with Mai to a game called Splitlings on Stadia, it’s a fun coop game. Booked a writing course Katy Schutte will facilitate on-line during May and June. I missed writing theater and I’ve never done it for a solo show nor in English so that’s a challenge I’m willing to tackle. Had weekly training with my Valencia Improv Playground fellas. Watched 3×01 of “Killing Eve” and I was thrilled to learn that… Villanelle speaks Catalan! Off to bed.
[14/04/2020, 22:03:04] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today has been of those days where I felt useless and filled with apathy. Done nothing productive. No chores. No crafting. Played a little bit with Mai to Spitlings on Stadia this evening. Watched 2×05 of Sex Education. Let’s see if I can read in bed. Ferran out. 😑

[15/04/2020, 23:19:10] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up a little bit sad because I dreamt I was in London, sucker-punched by reality. Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Did some work while listening Improv London podcast. FaceTimed Mai. I went out to do some groceries, it was raining but felt great to go outside. Plus, fewer people at the supermarket. After lunch, I watched an episode of Terrace House. I read a chapter of His Dark Materials. Watched a Clone Wars episode dedicated to the memory of Akira Kurosawa (it shared the plot with Seven Samurai). I played Destiny 2 on Stadia (damn, Google, this shit is good). While dining I watched a chapter of His Dark Materials (yes I’m multitasking the book and the series, I try to be way ahead on the book though). FaceTimed Mai. Played a little bit more of Destiny 2. Bed.
[16/04/2020, 22:01:04] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching a Clone Wars episode clearly inspired by Godzilla. Worked a little listening Improv London podcast. We realized we payed the rent of the flat to the wrong people. It was moments of panic. We payed the letting agency instead of the landlord because that’s where we payed the deposit. The letting agency is aware and they’re going to refund the money back. After lunch I joined a zoom with Improv Utopia friends and we jammed a little bit. FaceTimed Mai. Played three Destiny 2 missions with friends on Stadia. Had dinner watching Mr. Boogedy in Disney+, it reminded me of my childhood and why I’m into horror movies. FaceTimed Mai. Played a little bit more. Bed and book.
[17/04/2020, 23:13:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Worked a little bit. Read a chapter of His Dark Material. FaceTimed Mai. Cleaned the dishes. Cooked rice for lunch. Watched an episode of Terrace House. Played Destiny 2. Facetimed Mai and tomorrow we’re going to play Destiny 2 together, it’s a date. Had Dinner. Watched Bristol Improv Theatre event “This is your musical!”. Played Destiny 2 with a friend. (Seriously, Google is giving away drugs). Bed!
[19/04/2020, 02:11:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 10 and had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race. Went out to buy groceries. FaceTimed Mai. Played “Nier: Automata” and fell in love with it. After lunch I watched the last Terrace House episode on Netflix. Tried to play Destiny 2 with Mai but she has to play first mission solo so we played Spitlings. I read Angélica Liddell play “La casa de la fuerza (The house of strength)”, it is a very powerful play about the on-going feminicide in Mexico. Made pizza and ate it watching “Knives Out” (I liked it!). Player Tomb Raider (the reboot) on Google Stadia. At 1 a.m. I met with Improv Utopia friends and in 1:30a.m. we made a show for the ImprovNYC Twitch streaming, I had a lot of fun. It’s 3a.m. now and the post-gig adrenaline is keeping me up. Listening Laura & Chris Mead’s podcast Instant Expert on Spotify while writing this. I’m going to bed in a few minutes.
[19/04/2020, 22:54:30] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up close to 11a.m. because I went to bed at 4a.m. Had breakfast watching Rupaul’s Drag Race Untucked. Played some “Nier: Automata” and tried a game called “The Long Dark” (it wasn’t for me). FaceTimed Mai. Had lunch and watched some YouTube while lying on the sofa. Playing Spitlings with Mai. Read half of Sergi Belbel’s “Després de la Pluja (After the Rain)”. Played an adventure quest on Destiny 2 and I regretted doing it alone because the boss was a pain in the ass only for one player. It took a while but I killed… it? him? Do aliens have gender? Got a meeting with friends using jitsi (people should stop using zoom). Had dinner watching the first episode of the mini-series “Mrs. America”. Played some more Destiny 2 alone. Off to bed.
[20/04/2020, 22:35:47] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up before the alarm clock. Had breakfast with Clone Wars. Worked a little. Did home cleaning chores. FaceTimed Mai. Steamed some vegetables for lunch. Watched “The World According to Jeff Goldblum” and an episode of “Los Espookys”. Played a couple of quests on Destiny 2. Did some Marie Kondo with the box of tangled cables. Had practice with Valencia Improv Playground. Had dinner watching 3×02 of “Killing Eve”. FaceTimed Mai before bed.
[21/04/2020, 23:23:34] Ferran Luengo: DH: I had to snooze the alarm clock today, several times. It took me a while to get up and have my usual clone Wars breakfast. Did some work. Finally, I was able to go to the dentist (got a slot) to retrieve more Invisalign aligners to continue the treatment. I only could wear 3 for 40 days when I was supposed to change it weekly so the treatment will take longer. Now I’m set until June 23rd. Since I was out I went through the supermarket to buy bread and fruit. Had to be in a meeting with the university library about stuff it didn’t concern me. I turned off the camera and the mic. Had lunch. I watched the first episode of Pendleton Ward’s “The Midnight Gospel” and didn’t know what the hell I just saw. Played a quest on Destiny 2 with a friend. Had a heartwarming Playback Theatre rehearsal for the live show we are doing next Saturday people from all the Playback Theatre companies of Spain and Portugal. I’m representing, yay! FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching 1×02 of “Mrs. America”. Played a strike on Destiny 2 with two random people. Off to bed with “His Dark Materials” book.
[22/04/2020, 22:10:19] Ferran Luengo: DH: For the first time since I can remember I slept the whole night through. Had breakfast with Clone Wars. Worked a little. Did laundry and dishes. FaceTimed Mai. Made vegetables for lunch. Watched the first episode of the docuseries “Cursed Films”, it was about “The Exorcist”. Finished reading “Després de la Pluja”. Played a strike with a friend on Destiny 2. Made grilled mushrooms, tomato and cheese sandwiches for dinner. Watched “Twilight Zone: The Movie” from 1983, aaaah! what a throwback… Off to bed.
[23/04/2020, 22:09:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: Jon woke me up at 5 am because he was having cat nightmares, moving and doing funny noises. I slept a little more though, until almost 8. Did a little bit of work and more laundry. Crafted a TARDIS with Hama beads. After lunch, I got together with Improv Utopia friends and we ended up doing puppetprov, it was so fun. I watched another episode of Cursed Films, the “Poltergeist” one. FaceTimed Mai. I was testing several games on the streaming platform GeForce Now. I had dinner watching 3×02 of Mrs. Maisel (don’t know why I forgot about her). FaceTimed Mai again. Little time on Destiny 2. Bed with book.
[24/04/2020, 23:29:27] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up and had breakfast with Clone Wars. Worked a little bit. Did more Hama beads crafting, today’s topic was The Legend of Zelda. The Nintendo Switch Lite I bought yesterday for playing online arrived. So I started a brand new (and legal) island on Animal Crossing. After lunch tried to nap without success. Had an intensive rehearsal for tomorrow’s playback theatre show. Had dinner while watching Neil Curran interviewing Katy Schutte. I was on The Tightrope’s jam tonight and it was hilarious. FaceTimed Mai before going to bed.
[26/04/2020, 00:05:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had breakfast watching RuPauls Drag Race. Played Animal Crossing. Went for groceries. Had lunch. Took a nap. Got preshow rehearsal and then playback theatre show. We made after show briefing while cooking pizza that I ate while in the awesome Improv Utopia Trivia night. Right now still hanging out with Improv Utopia campers.
[26/04/2020, 22:59:44] Ferran Luengo: DH: Went to bed 3a.m. and woke up 9:30am. Had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race Untucked. Played Animal Crossing a little bit. FaceTimed Mai. I spent most of the morning in the kitchen cleaning and cooking. Had a nap after lunch. Played Animal Crossing with Improv Utopia friends online. Had dinner watching 2×06 of “Sex Education”. FaceTimed Mai. Played a couple of strikes in Destiny 2. Bed.
[27/04/2020, 22:29:52] Ferran Luengo: DH: Not much today. Worked a little. Played Animal Crossing. Had lunch. Took a nap. FaceTimed Mai. Played Destiny 2. Had training with Valencia Improv Playground. Watched 3×03 of “Killing Eve”. faceTimed Mai. Bed.
[28/04/2020, 23:20:24] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5a.m. soaking wet on sweat. Changed my clothes went to the bathroom, drank water and went back to bed to have nightmares about not being on time to catch a plane. Woke up for good at 7:30 am. and had breakfast with Clone Wars. Played Animal Crossing. Had a couple of meetings (one unnecessarily) with the university library staff. Cooked some vegetables for lunch and tried to nap unsuccessfully. Did laundry. Played Animal Crossing online. I had a meeting with my friend Mary C. Parker and we talked about playback theatre, improv and applied theatre over an hour. Checked out the Stadia Direct thrown by Google, they announced cool things. Had dinner watching 3×03 of Mrs. Maisel. FaceTimed Mai. Bought an ethernet to usb 3.0 adapter on amazon before bed. P.S. Turns out you can do crafty things in Animal Crossing and embedded Improv Utopia logo on my improv related island. I plan to include other improv theatre logos as well (Hoopla, Nursery, Annoyance, iO…).
[29/04/2020, 23:05:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: OK weirdest, strangest day of the confinement. I did the same routine except today was grocery day. Had lunch. Talked online with Improv Utopia friends. Went to the supermarket. Playing Animal Crossing found out the turnips on my island were very well paid so I tweet it and got lots of people coming over my island. While doing this, I heard a big “blam!” outside. Then loud voices. Somebody in my building committed suicide. Now I can’t stop thinking that I know what sound makes a body hitting the floor from 7-8 stories. Of course, I can’t even imagine what the homeowner of the patio where the person landed might be going through. Police around all evening and I think there are still people working in the scene. Saw a couple of men doing recognition with blacklight minutes ago. FaceTimed Mai with all the fuzz. I felt shocked, shaken, uneasy, weird… I tried to had dinner (just some fruit) watching 1×06 of “Los Espookys” on HBO (needed a comedy). Now I’m waiting to perform in the ImprovNYC twitch stream. So today was just… wow… I can’t even… I hope I can sleep.
[30/04/2020, 23:59:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Not a very productive day. I slept lightly and woke up around 8am. Worked a little and played Animal Crossing. After lunch, I’ve met with improv friends via zoom. Watched some anime. Played a couple of quests on Destiny 2. Had dinner watching half of 2005 movie musical “Reefer Madness”. FaceTimed Mai. since tomorrow is a bank holiday in Spain, I was playing The Witcher 2 on GeForce Now. Going to bed.

[01/05/2020, 22:48:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 9:30am with a little bit of neck/back pain. All these days in front of screens are taking its toll. Or course, I played Animal Crossing. Did some home chores. Made a tuna steak for lunch. Chilled on the sofa trying to be as comfortable as possible because of the pain until I said “That’s it” and did some stretching yoga for beginners to relieve the pain.. and it kinda worked. I felt better but at the same time I felt bad for not doing it during earlier during the confinment. Made pizza for dinner and joined the improv jam organized by the Belfast improv community. FaceTimed Mai. Bed.
[02/05/2020, 22:29:37] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 9:30 and prepared the breakfast I ate watching RuPaul’s Drag Race. FaceTimed Mai. Checked the chores I needed to do in Animal Crossing before doing the chores IRL. Did laundry. Went to buy groceries. The weather is nice and starting today, we have designated time slots for going for a walk or run so I might go out tomorrow for a proper walk. Cooked for a few days. After lunch, I rested a litle bit. Played Animal Crossing online with improv friends and played with friends to Zombie Army 4, released by Google on Stadia yesterday. Following yesterday’s will, I did the Yoga for Beginners by Adrienne. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching the second half of “Reefer Madness”. Played The Witcher 2. Bed.
[03/05/2020, 21:55:40] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7 A.M to go for a walk, which I did while listening Instant Expert podcast about bees. Once home I had breakfast and played Animal Crossing. Did some cleaning and laundry. Had a beer zooming the friends I started theatre with 20 years ago. Since I had already lunch cooked, I played Destiny 2 before eating. I took a (too long) nap. Played Zombie Army 4 horde mode with friends. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching 1×03 of “Mrs. America”. Did a quest on Destiny 2 (I dose myself to one quest at a time). Bed.
[04/05/2020, 21:56:45] Ferran Luengo: DH: May the 4th! Woke up later than I intended so I didn’t go out for a walk. Breakfast with Clone Wars (Star Wars Day!). Worked a little. Did home chores. Played Animal Crossing. Had lunch. Played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Star Wars Day!). Did some yoga for beginners. Tried a video of a chinese woman. Facilitated today’s training of Valencia Improv Playground, I modded the first game so everybody had to introduce the words “the force” in every iteration (Star Wars Day!). Watched the first episode of the docuseries about the making of The Mandalorian (Star Wars Day!) while dinner. FaceTimed Mai. Bed.
[05/05/2020, 22:37:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up at 7AM and went for a walk. I showered and then had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Worked a little. Folded the laundry. Played Animal Crossing. Had lunch. Took a nap. I spent 4 hours in front of Zoom. 2h rehearsing the playback theatre show we have next Saturday and 2h in Katy Schutte’s writing workshop. Both things were very good. Had dinner watching 2×07 of Sex Education. Bed.
[07/05/2020, 07:37:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: Main headline was GOT A HAIRCUT.
[07/05/2020, 22:38:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30. Breakfast with clone wars. Did some work while listening Improv London podcast with Sophie Owen found it very interesting because it resonated quite with my view of improv. Did home chores. Played Animal Crossing. Had lunch and rested for a little bit. Played more Animal Crossing. Played with the Cats. Had dinner while finishing second season of Sex Education. FaceTimed Mai. Played Red Dead Redemption II since today was included on Xbox Game Pass. Bed.
[08/05/2020, 22:43:16] Ferran Luengo: DH: Cats woke me up at 7am. Had breakfast with Clone Wars. Worked a little. Played Animal Crossing. Looked up homework for Katy’s workshop. Had lunch. Took a nap. Had rehearsal for tomorrow’s playback theatre online gig. Made pizza and ate it while watching A24’s “It comes at night” it was… meh. Played a mission on Red Dead Redemption II. Bed.
[10/05/2020, 00:18:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 10am and had breakfast watching RuPauls Drag Race. Went to buy groceries while listening Improv London Podcast episode with Maeve Ryan. After lunch just had rest for the playback theatre evening. We had a pre-show rehearsal, a show and a briefing after until 22:30 pm. Made dinner and ate it while watching Lucio Fulci’s “The House by the Cemetery”. Bed.
[10/05/2020, 22:21:33] Ferran Luengo: DH: Hard time sleeping last night with a huge storm outside. Woke up at 10:30a.m. and had breakfast watching the second episode of the docuseries on the making off The Mandalorian. Played Animal Crossing. Did home chores and cooked. Talked with my brother by phone. FaceTimed Mai. Did some exercise. Had dinner watching 2×01 of “Dead to Me” on Netflix. Played Red Dead Redemption 2. Bed.
[11/05/2020, 21:37:14] Ferran Luengo: DH: Slept bad, as usual during the pandemic. Woke up at 7:30a.m. and had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Worked a little. I wrote part of the assignment for Katy’s workshop. After lunch took a little nap. Played Animal Crossing. Did more work. Took an early dinner watching 3×05 of “Killing Eve”. Had rehearsal with Valencia Improv Playground. FaceTimed Mai. Now going to do the dishes and prepare de coffe for tomorrow’s breakfast before going to bed.
[12/05/2020, 22:32:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke at 7:30am and I felt to have breakfast watching 1982 “Tron” (not all of it, of course). Worked a little. Made home chores. Played with the cats. Wrote for Katy’s Workshop. Cooked lunch. Had a little nap. Played Animal Crossing hosting turnip sale and going myself to another island where the turnip price was higher. Wrote a little more. Had Katy’s workshop. After the workshop I expressed Katy my concerns about not being able to speak fluent enough. She told me that it’s something that makes me truthful and I shouldn’t worry about it. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching 1×01 of “What we do in the shadows”. Bed.
[13/05/2020, 23:09:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30 and had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Worked a little. Went out for groceries and prepared lunch. Took a nap. Spent a lot of time today grooming the cats because they’re starting to shed a lot because of the temperature change. Played Animal Crossing and Red Dead Redemption 2. Had dinner watching 1×04 of “Mrs. America”. Tried a couple of Linux distros. I hate my desktop computer because it’s starting to give hardware problems more frequently and I don’t want to buy a new one because I’ll have to move it to London. Better I’m off to bed.
[15/05/2020, 00:03:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30. Usual breakfast with Clone Wars. Worked a little and did home chores. Received Google Stadia Premiere Edition (Chromecast Ultra + Stadia gamepad) and it works wonderfully. Played some Destiny 2. Did some exercise today (Low intensity training + 10 minutes abs training). Had dinner watching 1×05 of “Mrs. America”. FaceTimed Mai. Messed with Stadia. Bed.

[17/05/2020, 00:02:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: Last night after The Tightrope improv jam I went to sleep late so I woke up at 10am and had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race. Did some home chores and went for a walk and groceries. After lunch I finished watching “The Hunt” and I liked it. Had virtual coffe/breakfast/dinner with improv friends from USA and Singapore. Played some Destiny. FaceTimed Mai. Decided to sort hama beads by colors while watching several episodes of Clone Wars. Had dinner watching 1×06 of “Mrs. America”. FaceTimed Mai. Played some Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Bed.
[17/05/2020, 22:02:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 10am and had breakfast. FaceTimed Mai. Played Animal Crossing, did laundry and cooked for today and tomorrow. Heard on the news Spain’s opening borders by June 15th, got a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel. After lunch, I watched “Cats” (the original musical NOT the movie) on YouTube. Visited a fellow improviser Animal Crossing Island. Practiced Ukelele. Wrote a little bit for Katy’s workshop. Had dinner watching 1×01 of “Hollywood” on Netflix. FaceTimed Mai. Trying to write a little bit more before bed.
[18/05/2020, 22:28:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Slept very poorly last night so I spent all the day kind of zombie. Woke up at 7:30am had breakfast with Clone Wars before working a little bit. Helped Ana from the Playback Theatre Iberian School making a Google Forms survey for playback theatre practitioners. Ate the lunch I cooked yesterday. A call from my cardiologist interrupted my nap. Had to cancel the Holter test scheduled (one year ago) for next week so we’ll only do the echocardiogram for the annual review. Played a little Destiny 2. Practiced ukelele. Had Valencia Improv Playground rehearsal. Had dinner watching Killing Eve. FaceTimed Mai. Bed.
[19/05/2020, 22:44:50] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30 and had the usual Clone Wars breakfast. Worked a little. Worked on Katy’s assignments. Cooked lunch. Took a nap. Tested a few games on GeForce Now. I enjoyed Katy’s workshop a lot today, especially the little group activities in the separate rooms. Had dinner while watching random videos on YouTube. FaceTimed Mai. Played Destiny 2. Bed.
[20/05/2020, 23:00:35] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up today at 7:30 and spent all morning with a huge headache. It helped a little going outside to get groceries. Got magnificent news from the pet relocation company saying that Bran and Jon will travel June 20th or 21st. If everything goes smoothly by the end of June we can be together as family in London. Took a very needed nap after lunch that made me feel better. Played Animal Crossing and sold turnips for a fortune in some Spanish girl island. Sorted hama beads by colors watching a couple of episodes of Clone Wars. Helped my cousin’s daughter over telephone connecting the computer they sent her to work from home. Did a little bit exercise, today a 20minutes dumbell routine. Took a shower and had dinner watching 1×07 of “Mrs America”. FaceTimed Mai. Played a little bit on Stadia. Bed.
[21/05/2020, 22:02:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8:30 today. A relaxed day doing chores and crafting hama beads while listening Improv London Podcast. Took a nap after lunch. I was in the mood of playing Wii and GameCube Zelda games in the evening. Had dinner watching 1×02 of “What we do in the shadows”. FaceTimed Mai. Preparing to go to bed now.
[23/05/2020, 23:37:52] Ferran Luengo: DH: Yesterday evening I was sad because an update from the pet relocation company saying the trip might move into July. It’s getting tiresome. This morning I woke up and had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race. Made chores. Went for groceries. In the evening I attended a jam with improv people from Salamanca. Made pizza for dinner and watched “Rec 4”. FaceTimed Mai. Now waiting to join the Improv Utopia anniversary activities online. I guess I’m going to bed veeeery late tonight.
[24/05/2020, 22:33:01] Ferran Luengo: DH: Went to bed at 6a.m. woke up at 13 pm. Had a weird headspace all day. I barely ate. In the evening I watched a live playback theatre performance by my fellow friends from Barcelona. Helped Mai reviewing her thesis for the master degree. Had a zoom chat with some improvisers. Had some fruit for dinner. Waiting now for doing a show for the ImprovNYC twitch stream in a couple of hours from now.
[25/05/2020, 22:27:22] Ferran Luengo: DH: Went to bed 3am last night and woke up at 8am. I worked a little and did home chores. Cooked for today and tomorrow. After lunch, I took a very deep lengthy nap that put me in a “drunk-like” state. Had to go out for a walk to clear my head, and since I was out I went to the supermarket. Got back for Valencia Improv Playground Rehearsal. Had dinner watching “Killing Eve”. FaceTimed Mai. Bed.
[26/05/2020, 23:03:37] Ferran Luengo: DH: Cats woke me up at 7am had a slow breakfast watching Clone Wars. Played Animal Crossing. Strugled with CSS this morning trying to customize the university library’s new site. Did some laundry. Played with the cats. Had the lunch I cooked yesterday and took a nap. Played some Destiny 2. Booked I workshop with Chris Mead for tomorrow. Enjoyed tonight’s session of Katy’s workshop, we worked different ways of devising. FaceTimed Mai. Watched 2×02 of “Dead to me”. And I just got the sad news about Camp Improv Utopia East being cancelled, it was due next September. I’ll try to cope with it in bed.
[27/05/2020, 21:52:11] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30am. Had breakfast. Worked a little. Did laundry. Walked to the hospital for my annual cardiology checkup consisting of an echocardiogram and a visit. The doctor had nothing new to report so it went well. Walked back home and I stopped for groceries. After lunch I intended to take a nap but, in Animal Crossing, my turnips were selling super pricy on my island so I hosted an online sale. Logged in the Impro Fest Online Zoom. Took Chris Mead’s workshop on being more productive and organized. Watched the werewolf mixer show. My zoom froze in the afterparty and I didn’t log back. I’m sleepy but I’m fighting British Airways support on twitter because I need a refund or a voucher for the flight to Chicago. Planning to go to bed ASAP.
[28/05/2020, 22:14:50] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today woke up a 7am with a different mindset thanks to yesterday’s workshop. Did work stuff, home stuff, craft stuff and even went for a long walk while listening the latest Improv London Podcast episode. During the walk I went to the veggie specialized grocery store to buy a pack of Beyond Burguers (I haven’t eaten one since last time I was in London) for this weekend. Had a healthy dinner while watching 1×08 of “Mrs. America” in which Sarah Paulson was amazing. I’m in awe with her. FaceTimed Mai. Played a little bit fo Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on Google Stadia. Bedtime.
[29/05/2020, 22:32:57] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7am. Had a meeting in the morning. I did some daily tasks and habits I wrote down. Made vegetables for lunch. Rested a bit. Went for a walk. Bought groceries. A friend came to visit. Made pizza for dinner. Watched Pixar’s “Incredibles 2”. Bed time.
[30/05/2020, 23:00:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: Cats me woke up at 7:30. I made breakfast calmly, brewed some coffee, and watched RuPaul’s Drag Race finale. FaceTimed Mai. Played Animal Crossing. Went for groceries. After lunch, I watched Hairspray Live. Helped Mai with her thesis reviewing the text. Made a LOT of home chores. Played a little bit before dinner. After dinner FaceTimed again Mai. Spent some time in the computer before going to bed. No improv things on USA time these weekend so… I can go to sleep!
[31/05/2020, 22:30:32] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 10am and had an easy morning just chilling and playing Animal Crossing. Made me a Beyond Burguer for lunch. In the afternoon I just helped Mai with her thesis and sorted Hama beads by colors. Watched the series finale of Mrs America. Played on Stadia a little bit before bed.

[01/06/2020, 22:43:39] Ferran Luengo: DH: Feel a little bit down and unproductive today. Did some work this morning though. Went for groceries. Had a little nap. Played Animal Crossing. I tried to write for Katy’s workshop but not feeling the muse. Training with Valencia Improv Playground got postponed to Thursday due to many “casualties”. Overall not a day to be proud of. Let’s sink in the bed and forget.
[03/06/2020, 00:46:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke at 7:30am and had breakfast watching clone wars. Worked and made home stuff. Took a nap after lunch and did some crafting while watching more clone wars. Did some low intensity cardio routine. Enjoyed Katy’s workshop today. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching Mrs. Maisel. Having problems to sleep. 👀
[03/06/2020, 22:34:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:15ish, cats again. I was very sleepy because couldn’t get sleep last night. Worked a little. Made beads crafting, today I made the Stadia logo, just ’cause. Prepared lunch. Took a needed nap. Played some Destiny 2 on Stadia. Made 10 minutes cardio routine. Took a shower. Went to visit friends, the first visit in months! I brought them the art books they wanted that didn’t passed our Marie Kondo. Also gave them a couple of my quarantine hama beads creations. Since I was out I decided to have a walked. Bought some groceries before going back home. Made dinner that I ate while watching 1×02 of “Hollywood”. Off to bed hoping I got to sleep earlier.
[04/06/2020, 22:24:33] Ferran Luengo: DH: Cats woke me up at 6am, locked them in the kitchen, went back to bed until 7:45am. Nothing much in the morning but some work and writing and recording an interstitial for Hi Desert Fringe festival about the importance of performing arts during these days. After lunch took a nap. Spent the evening fighting with AirBnB. Finally the host from Chicago write them so they could issue my refund which is a great relieve because it’s a lot of money. Played Animal Crossing with Improv Utopia friends. Did the daily cardio routine and had dinner watching “What we do in shadows”. Played a little bit on Stadia. Bed.
[05/06/2020, 22:33:19] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had a rough night of intermittent sleep so this morning I was very sleepy. Did some work but got a migraine that made me had an unpleasant morning. Cooked lunch and after I ate took a proper nap in bed. Felt better after. Went to the physiotherapist. Took a walk. Went to the veterinarian to book the mandatory checkup for the cats before the trip to London. I was invited to join an improv session by Zigzag Improv International and I accepted, of course. It was very fun and we worked deep and grounded stuff. FaceTimed Mai. Had dinner watching the first half of Disney’s Zootropolis.
[06/06/2020, 22:11:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 9:45am and had breakfast. Played Animal Crossing. Started packing boxes. I have to divide what to pack in boxes to store here, what to give away, and what to send to London. Most things will remain here because our apartment is tiny. Had lunch and chilled watching YouTube videos like Stephen Colbert’s. Watched first episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Star Season 5. Went for a walk while listening Improv London Podcast episode with William Rosenwinkel. After the walk I did 10 minutes of cardio and had a shower. FaceTimed Mai while playing together on Google Stadia (she handed the thesis finally and she had time to play together) before dinner. Had dinner while whatching the second half of Zootropolis, I liked it more than some of the later Pixar movies. Gonna play a little bit to Little Nightmares before bed.
[07/06/2020, 22:27:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Chill Sunday. Playing Animal Crossing (Nintendo Switch) and Little Nightmares (Google Stadia) in the morning. Cooked a Beyond Burguer and baked potatos in the oven for lunch. Did some home chores before my daily walk and cardio. Had dinner watching first episode of Steve Carell’s “Space Force” on Netflix. It was a little bit underwhelming I’ll give it another episode before judging. FaceTimed Mai. Bed.
[08/06/2020, 23:28:34] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am. Worked and did home chores. After lunch I did digital “Marie Kondo” with old hard drives found old video of myself doing clown and made me think I had to get in touch with it again. Went for a walk and did the usual 10 minutes cardio. It’s a small goal but I’m getting myself to do it for over a week now. I had my last online improv training with my team. The next one is going to be in the park. Had dinner watching random videos on YouTube. FaceTimed Mai. Played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on Stadia. Bed.
[09/06/2020, 22:45:50] Ferran Luengo: DH: Did work, home chores, went for a walk, did the cardio and had Katy’s workshop. Besides that today sucked. My wife had bad news and it is mortifying not being able to be with her. Been talking to her until now. I hope tomorrow’s better.
[11/06/2020, 23:17:35] Ferran Luengo: DH: Definitely not being the best week but getting better. Today I had a coffee with Improv Utopia friends and felt good. On the other hand, I’m getting anxious because I have to deliver 20minutes of worthy material to Katy by Sunday and I have a massive block. I feel bad and angry at myself for not being able to get out of this mindset. I booked an online Hoopla sketch workshop with Gemma Arrowsmith because a friend recommended it so much. It starts on July 8th and I hope the plan fulfills and I’ll be doing it from London. Summarizing… another day of frustration.
[12/06/2020, 22:52:38] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today was better. Last night went to sleep at 2am but being productive. Finally something clicked and I was able to write something, same goes for this morning. On the afternoon I played a little before the playback theatre rehearsal, it was fun. After that I went for a walk and bought groceries. Made pizza that I ate watching half of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. FaceTimed Mai. Played some Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed.
[13/06/2020, 22:26:58] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am and had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. FaceTimed Mai. Did the laundry and wait playing Red Dead Redemption 2. I went to buy groceries. Ate lunch, had a nap. Super busy online evening. I had a virtual coffee with Bala, an improviser and playback theatre practitioner from Bangalore. I had a 3-hour playback theatre workshop with Sheila Donio from Brazil. It was too basic and so much time wasted on introductions since there was 26 people attending. It was mentally exhausting being so much time online. I had dinner and went back online… only to play Destiny 2 with Mai on Stadia. The family that kill aliens together stays together. Now I’m going to order the text I have for Katy to send it to her in a nice PDF before going to bed.
[14/06/2020, 23:09:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: I stayed up late last night writing. I finally had what I think was a solid first part of a show. Woke up almost at 10am and had slow breakfast. Finished compiling the document and sent it to Katy. It was liberating so I played carefree until lunch time. Played a with Mai on Stadia before joining the second part of Sheila Donio’s workshop which was close to 3hours and a half. Fortunately, I enjoyed it more than yesterday. Had dinner watching the second half of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. FaceTimed Mai. Spent much time that I intended in the photo mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 taking pictures. Barely played, the landscapes and the lighting of this game are so beautiful.

[15/06/2020, 22:29:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: Another night not sleeping well. Woke up at 8:30am after snoozing many times. Had a meeting with the university library staff this morning. I cooked. After lunch tried to nap unsuccessfully. Couldn’t make it to Valencia Improv Playground training today because I had Playback Theatre rehearsal for next Saturday’s show. Had dinner watching the first episode of “Snowpiercer”. Played a mission of “Red Dead Redemption 2” before bed.
[16/06/2020, 22:31:45] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up having slept better. This morning did some errands outside so that included the walk. Did some work before lunch. Took a nap. Google launched The Elder Scrolls on Stadia. Finally (some good fantasy RPG) and I tried a bit. Did some cardio and took a shower before Katy’s workshop. Today was individual review day. Katy praised my work which made me happy she told me how much enjoyed the pages I sent her and gave me tips on how to go from there. Had dinner watching 1×02 of Snowpiercer. Getting ready to bed.
[17/06/2020, 22:52:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Nothing much today. Woke up at 7:30am. And had breakfast with Clone Wars (it’s been a while). Worked and did home chores. In the evening I went to the physiotherapist and later, since I was out, I went for a walk. Came home to play some Elder Scrolls. Had dinner watching 1×03 of Snowpiercer. FaceTimed Mai. She showed me how it was raining only in a small patch of the street. We were wondering if it’s a normal thing in London. Played one mission of Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed.
[18/06/2020, 23:00:34] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had another so-so night so I woke up sleepy. Did work and went shopping. This evening I did extreme Marie Kondo and packed the clothes I’m sending to London and the rest went into 2 big garbage bags that I’m going to put in the welfare bin. I’m worried about the new cases sprouting in many countries again. I couldn’t stand being trapped in Valencia more time. Had dinner watching 1×04 of Snowpiercer and played a mission of Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed. 17 days to go. 🤞🏻
[19/06/2020, 23:18:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: Not a good day. Woke up with the news of iO closing talked to the other students of the cancelled iO intensive (which we knew it was cancelled) and no one got nothing from iO so it was upsetting for us. Now we don’t know if we are going to get our money back. Went to the dentist for my last batch of invisalign trays. The dentist said that the rubber bands worked “too well” and now my lower jaw tends to go forward. She had to put me new rubber attachments to undo what was done too much. Went to the vet next to get the antibody report letter from one of our cats. I didn’t get it because lockdown happened. They can’t find the letter which I need for travel. To end the day I just got an email from easyjet saying my flight for the 5th is cancelled and I can’t find an explanation. I rushed to buy another one just in case. There was one from British Airways which, according to the web, only had 3 spots free. I got one, of course, for 196€. Now we can only hope that this one doesn’t get cancelled too. I’m very upset right now I can’t think of going to sleep. So… 16 days to go? I don’t know anymore, this is a nightmare.
[21/06/2020, 22:34:30] Ferran Luengo: Weekend Headlines: There was an Iberoamerican Playback Theatre gathering that kept me busy all weekend. Performed Saturday night and it went very well. Took a couple of useful workshops. Recorded the video with the beginning of my solo show for showing in the last class of Katy’s workshop next Tuesday. I struggled a lot with the English pronunciation and it took many takes. Nevertheless, I’m proud of the struggle. Where there’s struggle, there’s a fight, and where there’s a fight there’s improvement. Woke up sad this morning because I dreamt of my parents, who passed many years ago. Took many clothes out to pack… 14 days to go?
[22/06/2020, 22:40:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:15am and had breakfast. A friend came to take things I was giving away because of moving to London. Packed things. Attended the launch of Katy’s and Chris’ The Improv Place. Looks a neat project. After lunch did home stuff and more packing and sealing. I took the metro for the first time in more than 3 months and went to the park for the Valencia Improv Playground first rehearsal together since the lockdown. It was fun! Came home and FaceTimed Mai. Let’s call it a day… 13 days to go?
[23/06/2020, 23:16:19] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up unusually early. I felt like going outside to buy grain croissants. Had a chilled breakfast watching Clone Wars. Did more packing work. After lunch, I took a long nap cuddling one of my cats. Signed up into the improv place network. Went for a walk and bought some groceries. When I got home, I did some cardio, took a shower and attended the last session of Katy’s workshop where everybody showed an excerpt from their work. It was brilliant. FaceTimed Mai and messed with my profile info at the improv place…. 12 days to go?
[24/06/2020, 23:07:34] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today was bank holliday in Spain. Woke up at 9:30am and had breakfast. Wrote a post in “the improv place” about how I felt during this lockdown regarding the overwhelming offer of improv activities. Did laundry. Made lunch. After lunch I chilled a bit at the sofa. I did heavy packing today. I want to send the boxes next Friday at the latest. Received an email from iO saying that they cannot pay us back the money from the intensive. Talked to the other students about what to do. Things are very messed up. I got upset so I went to walk more than the usual. Came back and had dinner watching Brooklyn 9-9. FaceTimed Mai. Kept packing things. I have the first box sealed and ready to go. I have the impression that I’ll forget to pack something. Anyway… 11 days to go?
[25/06/2020, 23:43:36] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am. Worked a little. I continued MarieKondoing things. After lunch I took a nap. Sealed the boxes and ordered the UPS courier. Went to print the courier tags on my daily walk. Did some cardio. Made a pizza. While eating it I didn’t realize one of the dental buttons for the rubber bands popped and I swallowed it. I guess no more rubber bands until next week’s visit to the dentist. FaceTimed Mai. She was sad today. Played a mission on Read Dead Redemption 2. Bed… 10 days to go?
[26/06/2020, 21:59:57] Ferran Luengo: DH: Cats woke me up at 6:45am. Had breakfast watching Clone Wars. Worked. Joined an hour zoom session with Katy, Chris and other improvisers from the improv place. We discussed very interesting things. After lunch I wanted to take a nap but I was waiting for the UPS courier so I was afraid of getting sleep and miss any call or ring. Played Red Dead Redemption 2 until he came to pick up the boxes. My stuff it’s on its way! With that being done, I took an hour long walk. Had dinner watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. FaceTimed Mai… 9 days to go?
[27/06/2020, 23:29:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up not too late. Had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. FaceTimed Mai. Hooked the PS3 and played The Last of Us. After lunch, I took a short nap. The evening was more productive. Made laundry, went for a walk and bought groceries. Joined a jam with other Improv Utopia campers with a chat afterward. It was fun. FaceTimed Mai and played some Red Dead Redemption 2. Turns out you get good karma points when you capture Ku Klux Klan members, I captured one and thought of ways to make him suffer. Drowning was the choice and the game didn’t took away points from me so it was good to know game developers can’t stand racists either…. 8 days to go?
[29/06/2020, 21:34:30] Ferran Luengo: DH: Busy all day packing things. Mai needed an important document from a previous internship and couldn’t find it I torn every shelf apart. It was an anxious day because of that and all the things I still have to do before leaving. We postponed the Valencia Improv Playground training to next Friday because they want to throw me a farewell dinner after the training. I didn’t went out in all day, I feel bad and down. Started watching The Sopranos in HBO, never watched it. So… it’s been one of those days… 6 days to go?
[30/06/2020, 21:30:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5:45am. I took a train from the first time in more than 3 months to go to the Castelló University (it’s a town 70km north from Valencia) for settling things and to have a meeting with the library staff. It was insanely hot today. (35º) Came back to Valencia around 15:30pm and took a nap. I applied online for the settled status on the UK government website. Went to buy groceries. Had dinner watching 1×02 of The Sopranos. FaceTimed Mai. Getting nervous because its… 5 days to go?

[01/07/2020, 22:36:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had a bad night again so I woke up unrested (is that a word?) at 8am worked. Made home stuff. Call the vet to arrange the time for the cats visit. Cooked. After lunch took a little nap. Went for a walk. Joined The Improv Place teaching masterclass. FaceTimed Mai, the boxes arrived and she was anxious because she doesn’t know where to put all the stuff in our small apartment. Had light dinner watching The Sopranos… 4 days to go?
[02/07/2020, 22:23:40] Ferran Luengo: DH: Boring morning working and doing home chores. Gave the cats the tapeworm treatment pill for the travel. After lunch I went to the dentist. Bought some groceries on my way home. FaceTimed Mai. Chilled on the sofa playing Destiny 2 on Stadia. Went for a walk. Had dinner watching the first episode of the new Netflix series “Warrior Nun”. FaceTimed Mai. Played a mission of Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed… 3 days to go?
[04/07/2020, 00:00:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: Busy day with veterinarian stuff and dentist stuff. The cats are ready for their travel tomorrow. Went out for the wrapping of Valencia Improv Playground season. They gave me a farewell card and made me feel important . Silly people. But seriously I feel proud of what I’ve build here in Valencia for expat community and that’s something to hang on to when the impostor syndrome kicks in… 2 days to go?
[04/07/2020, 22:32:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: Spent all day literally waiting for the pet relocation company building anxiety. Cats are on its way. It was heartbreaking. When I came home and saw the flat without them I bursted… one day to go.
[05/07/2020, 22:40:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: I’M IN LONDON! But don’t want to celebrate until the cats gets here. Allegedly tomorrow. Bad news is I have to do strict self isolation for 14 days. Anyway I don’t care … Nightmare is fading away. Can’t wait to see how the cats find their new home. No more countdown!
[07/07/2020, 07:15:04] Ferran Luengo: DH: The cats made it to London! Yesterday was stressful because of all the waiting and on the top of that the chest of drawers we ordered to made(+) came and we had to bring it upstairs by ourselves because they won’t do it for COVID policies. Back to cats, they were very confused but relieved to see us. We were over them all the time until we all went to bed.
[07/07/2020, 22:26:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: Nothing much since I’m in 2nd day of isolation established by the government. Worked from home. Posted and read at the improv place. Vacuumed home. After lunch took a nap. Started playing The Last of Us 2. Fighted with Three Broadband 5G router, the connection is very unstable. While Mai went to buy groceries I hooked the Wii and played Super Mario Galaxy 2. While dinner we watch 2×02 of The Politician. While she worked on a presentation she had tomorrow I watched What we do in Shadows and played The Legend of Zelda Windwaker. It’s funny how I cannot go outside but I’m in peace now that the family are together again.
[08/07/2020, 22:58:10] Ferran Luengo: DH: Another day of self isolation. Did a lot of laundry. Too many clothes sent in boxes. Developed a migraine and layed in bed for a while. After lunch took a nap. In the afternoon I played The Last of Us 2 and attended Gemma Arrowsmith sketch workshop which I enjoyed a lot. Watched The Politician before bed.
[09/07/2020, 22:56:24] Ferran Luengo: DH: I don’t get used to the sun rising at 4:45 am and we don’t have blinds. Another chill day of self isolation. Worked a little. Did home chores. Took a nap after lunch. Continued playing The Last of Us 2. We watched 1×08 of Snowpiercer while having dinner. Played some Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed.
[10/07/2020, 22:21:12] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5:30am couldn’t sleep more. I watched an episode of The Sopranos before having breakfast. Worked a little. Joined the “office hours” zoom chat from the improv place. After lunch took a nap. Played The Last of Us 2. Made laundry and vacuumed. Mai hasn’t seen The Lost Boys so we watched it while eating a vegan pizza from “Lost Boys Pizza” a restaurant in Candem themed after the movie. Played a little bit before bed.
[11/07/2020, 23:00:10] Ferran Luengo: DH: We had breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. Cleaned the kitchen. Played some Red Dead Redemption 2. After lunch we watched the Netflix documentary “Disclosure” about the presence of trans men and trans women on media. Cleaned the bathroom and the living room. We went out to the small grocerie store on our building. I’m such a bad boy skipping the isolation for a few meters. Preparing dinner I cut my finger a little bit with a sharp knife. There were blood 🩸but I’m ok. We watched half of Pixar’s “Onward” we were sleepy after all the cleaning.
[12/07/2020, 21:25:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: Chill Sunday. It’s been a week since I’ve arrived. That means 1 week more to end isolation. Played “The Last of Us 2”. Ate home made paella. Watched second half of “Onward”. Did cardio routine. Watched 2 episodes of “The Politician”.
[13/07/2020, 23:00:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up to a mess I had to clean in the University database. After I put out the fire it was a calmed morning. I cooked udon with stir vegetables and teriyaki sauce. I took a nap after. I catched up with a friend while playing Elder Scrolls Online on Stadia. Went down to the grocery store but I walked a little bit around the block to check the neighborhood. Turns out I live by the London Irish Center, I might try one of their Irish language workshop in the future. We watched The Politician season finale. My brother called and gave me headache about the selling of our parents home. Trying to get calmed in bed.
[14/07/2020, 23:09:32] Ferran Luengo: DH: Slow and relaxed morning kept an eye on the computer but watched a couple of episodes of The Sopranos. After lunch chilled out on the bed but couldn’t sleep. Played The Last of Us 2. Joined Jon, Rhiannon and Chris and Laura Mead in a screening of Miyazaki’s “Nausicaa of The Valley of the Wind” through Netflix party. Made some cardio. Played The Elder Scrolls Online. We had dinner watching Snowpiercer and then went to bed.

[16/07/2020, 21:59:16] Ferran Luengo: DH: yesterday I was upset. I have to go back to Valencia second of August to sign some documents to settle about my parents place and argued with my brother because he couldn’t arrange it otherwise. I hope things stays easier for going in and out. Gemma Arrowsmith class was cool, people laughed with my sketch. Today still a bit upset and did nothing productive. Watched Miyazaki’s “Castle in the Sky” with Jon Nguyen and a friend from Valencia Improv Playground through Netflix party. Played with my wife Get Packed on Stadia. Watched first episode of Watchmen.
[17/07/2020, 22:23:05] Ferran Luengo: DH: Calmed morning. Vacuumed. Joined the improv place office hours with Chris, Jon, Marie, Fiona and Rhiannon where the discussion was playing evil characters in scenes. After lunch I took a nap. Watched “What we do in Shadows”. Played Elder Scrolls Online and then played together with Mai. Went downstairs to buy at the store and throw some boxes to the recicle bin. Watched “Marriage Story” on Netflix while eating pizza.
[18/07/2020, 23:07:26] Ferran Luengo: DH: We had pancakes for breakfast watching RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. Made home chores. Migraine suddenly appeared so I went to lie down. Watched Doctor Who in the evening and went out to Candem’s Salisbury to buy groceries. It’s the longest time and distance I’ve been since I arrived. Tomorrow the isolation thing is over. We had dinner and watched Jordan Peele’s “Us”.
[19/07/2020, 21:39:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: I unusually woke up at 6:30 am and watched an episode of The Sopranos. When wife got up we made pancakes and watched Canada’s Drag Race. Did a lot of cleaning this morning and also we have to get all the way up the bathroom cabinet that got today from made. As good Valencians, we ate paella. I took a nap after. I made my first long walk today by Candem canal and went deep into Regent’s Park, it was nice. We had some fruit for dinner watching 1×03 of “Watchmen”.
[20/07/2020, 23:09:47] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up early and watched a couple of episodes of The Sopranos. Nothing much on the morning. In the evening I joined Tracy Aspel and Kyra Thaysen on zoom and we did some exercises and discussed the role of MC in an improv show. Went to walk while listening Improv London Podcast with Steve Roe. Walked from home all the way east Candem Road until Holloway Road and back. (4,4 km). Watched an episode of “Dollface” on HBO.
[21/07/2020, 22:41:26] Ferran Luengo: DH: Worked a little bit in the morning. Did some sketch homework. Cooked vegetable udon with teriyaki sauce. Took a nap. Watched “My Neighbour Totoro” with Jon and Rhiannon through Netflix party. We went for a walk/grocery shopping to the Waitrose on Canopy Market. Went back home by the canal. Watched 1×04 of “Watchmen” while having dinner. Played some Elder Scrolls got beat because I’m trying to do a quest too high for my level. Time to bed.
[23/07/2020, 22:40:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: Slow morning watching The Sopranos and doing sketch homework. Cooked the lunch and tried to take a nap. I couldn’t. In the evening I watched Ghibli’s “Kiki’s Delivery Service” with Jon. Went for a walk through Candem bought groceries on the way back. We had dinner watching “Watchmen” and after I played a little of The Last of Us 2 before going to bed.
[24/07/2020, 23:13:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up kinda early, watched two episodes of The Sopranos. Spent the morning on zoom for the Masterclass on teaching improv by Katy and Chris and later in the improv place Office Hours. Made udon with stir vegetables and teriyaki sauce for lunch. Took a nap. Played Elder Scrolls Online, I found myself relying on other players with higher level to complete a dungeon. Went for a walk and on the way back we picked up a pizza from Lost Boys Pizza in Candem. Watched a film in Netflix only because Jodie Whitaker was in it. It was called “Adult Life Skills”.
[26/07/2020, 00:12:35] Ferran Luengo: DH: All day in home because of the rain. Just played The Last of Us 2 and Watched some of the Improv marathon the people of Bangalore are doing. Vacuumed. Watched “Gretel and Hansel”.
[26/07/2020, 22:24:03] Ferran Luengo: DH: We had pancakes while watching Drag Race. I joined the playback theatre performance from the Bangalore group. The rest of the day was playing The Last of Us 2 and went for a walk and I was lucky enough to not catch rain. We had dinner watching episode 1×06 of “Watchmen”.
[28/07/2020, 22:36:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: Watched a couple of episodes of The Sopranos this morning. Worked a little bit after. Had a virtual coffee with Jon Nguyen. After lunch I rested a little bit. Played Elder Scrolls Online. Watched half of “Only Yesterday” with Jon on Netflix Party. Mai and I went for a walk and we we came back we order Thai food for dinner since it’s our 13th anniversary and that’s the most special and safe plan we could came up with. Watched 1×08 of “Watchmen” after.
[29/07/2020, 23:13:18] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5:30 couldn’t sleep more. Watched 2 episodes of “The Sopranos”. Today I was busy doing work. Which lead a very well earned nap after lunch. Gemma Arrowsmith has to postpone the session of the sketch course so I went out for a walk and played The Last of Us 2. We watched the series finale of “Watchmen”.
[30/07/2020, 23:01:25] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today was less stressful than yesterday work wise. Wrote an article about experience sharing and improv for collective creation. After lunch I tried Resident Evil 6 which I had in my PS4 hard drive for years without booting. Watched “Porco Rosso” with Jon and Rhiannon. Went to walk and we bought vegan stuff in Whole Foods in Candem. That supermarket is very expensive. Watched 3×02 of “The Sopranos” while having dinner.
[31/07/2020, 21:56:46] Ferran Luengo: DH: Spent morning on zoom with the improv place course and office hours. Went to a gardening shop nearby to buy stuff. After lunch I took a nap. Played video games. We went for a walk in the evening and bought some things at Tesco. Ordered vegan pizza and we ate it watching Guillermo Del Toro’s “Crimson Peak”. It was just ok, both the pizza and the movie.

[02/08/2020, 00:16:51] Ferran Luengo: DH: We had breakfast watching Canada’s Drag Race. Did cleaning all morning. After lunch we took a nap. Went for a long walk to Regent’s Park and on the way back we shopped at Sainsbury’s. Had dinner watching “Stage Fright”, a slasher musical. I liked it.
[03/08/2020, 21:15:11] Ferran Luengo: DH: Got to Spain last night. This morning we sold our parents flat in Valencia. British canceled tomorrow’s flight so I had to buy a ticket for today. Spent less than 24 hours in Spain I wanted to do more things. Anyway, I just landed and heading myself into another 14 days of self isolation.
[04/08/2020, 22:53:50] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up tired but I slept quite a lot. Did some sketch workshop this morning and the laundry. Organized the few books I have adding the new ones I brought yesterday from Valencia. After lunch took a long nap. Watched Ghibli’s “Pompoko” with John. Played “The Last of Us 2”. We had dinner watching 1×03 of “Hollywood”.
[05/08/2020, 23:46:55] Ferran Luengo: DH: Another day of self isolation. Did sketch homework in the morning and cooked teriyaki udon. I took a brief nap. Played “Jedi: Fallen Order”. Attended another session of the sketch workshop. On the first part we read our sketches. They liked mine and Gemma gave me interesting notes about how to make it better. Second part of the workshop was about parody. Still don’t know what I’ll do for the next assignment. We watched an episode of “Dollface” while dinning.
[06/08/2020, 23:28:37] Ferran Luengo: DH: Self isolation day 3. Woke up relatively early, 7:30am played “The Last of Us 2” while Mai went out for her run. ( I can’t play in front of her because she is behind me and she doesn’t want spoilers). Got in the mail the SIM card from giffgaff so I already have a UK phone number. Cooked some vegetables with soy based fake fish for lunch. In the afternoon I watched “Whispers from the Heart” with Jon and played Red Dead Redemption 2. Had dinner watching “The Sopranos”. I’m handling the isolation worst than the one back in July.
[07/08/2020, 22:56:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30am. Spent 3 hours on zoom for “the improv place” stuff. Made lunch. Spent all the afternoon and evening cleaning the house because we had friends over for dinner. It was nice having guests and be with people without screens involved.
[09/08/2020, 23:37:01] Ferran Luengo: DH: another day of isolation and bearing with the heat. Attended a workshop organized by Improv as Second Language people and facilitate by Marie de Vaal. It was awesome to play with other non native English speakers. The rest of the day I basically played The Last of Us 2. Oh and watched again the second act of “Hamilton” on Disney+ and one episode of “The Sopranos.
[10/08/2020, 23:23:27] Ferran Luengo: DH: Did home chores and tried to come up with a sketch unsuccessfully cooked the lunch. Took a nap. I finally finished “The Last of Us 2”. It’s a masterpiece of complex narrative and character development. Watched 1×04 of Netflix’s “Hollywood”.
[11/08/2020, 22:51:05] Ferran Luengo: DH: This heat completely nullifies me, can’t think of an sketch yet. I’m angry and bitter because of the self isolation. I cooked teriyaki udon. Watched half of “Princess Mononoke” with Jon. Did some cardio. Attended a bilingual jam (Spanish/English) and I was surprised about being the only Spanish in the session. It was fun. While dinning we watched another episode of “The Sopranos”.
[12/08/2020, 22:22:18] Ferran Luengo: DH: Productive day at home considering I still can go outside. Made laundry, cooked and vacuumed. Finally inspiration struck me and wrote the sketch. Took a nap after lunch. Started second play through of “The Last of Us 2” to get the collectibles I missed (and because it’s awesome). At Gemma’s workshop they liked my sketch so… yay. Watched an episode of “The Sopranos”.
[13/08/2020, 23:28:42] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7:30am. Today I continued cleaning. It was the bathroom turn. While cleaning I listened an episode of Improv London Podcast from 2019 summer with Rhiannon Jenkins. Played “The Last of Us 2”. Had a meeting with the rest of the organization committee of the 3rd Iberian Playback Theatre gathering. Today I decided to ditch the self isolation and went to Sainsbury. I did and experiment dinning egg waffles with salmon and slices of tomato. I’ll never repeat it. Watched an episode of “Hollywood” and played a little bit of “Skyrim”.
[14/08/2020, 22:33:55] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am and after breakfast spent all the morning on zoom with “the improv place” people. After lunch took a nap. Watched “My Neighbours the Yamadas” with Jon. Played with Mai on Google Stadia. We ordered pizza and we ate it watching Spike Lee’s “BlackKklansman”.
[15/08/2020, 23:48:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: Day of relax. Pancakes for breakfast. Morning of reading and playing. We went outside in the evening, to Canopy Market and Waitrose for groceries. Watched 2 episodes of “Twin Peaks” before going to bed.

[16/08/2020, 23:31:14] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up with headache. Spent the morning cleaning and sorting things. We had paella for lunch. Took a nap. I attended the rehearsal of the core group of Improv as Second Language (ISL) and they invited me in so I guess I have an improv group in London! Yay! They even added me in their WhatsApp group. Can’t wait to start doing improv with them IRL. Had dinner watching The Sopranos and spent a little bit on my second playthrough of The Last of Us 2.
[17/08/2020, 22:56:18] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7am. Prepared a survey for the attendants of the previous Iberian Playback theatre gatherings to check how they feel about doing a gathering on November or wether doing it online. Made sketch homework. Made laundry. Cooked. Lunch got interrupted by a call from Three Broadband they had to move us to regular Three and tomorrow we’ll get a new SIM card for the 5G router. I hope the service doesn’t get worse. Took a nap. Played Red Dead Redemption 2. Went to Sainsbury, this time guilty free because I’m out of the 14 days of self isolation. We had dinner watching 1×06 or “Hollywood”.
[18/08/2020, 22:58:39] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am. Did some organization things for the playback theatre gathering. Did sketch homework. Cooked. After lunch I tried to nap but couldn’t. Played Red Dead Redemption 2. Watched “Spirited Away” with Jon. Did cardio routine and afterwards I went to Regent’s park for a walk. Did some groceries back home. We watched the season finale of “Warrior Nun” on Netflix.
[19/08/2020, 23:02:25] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 7:30. It’s been a bland day with all the rain. Couldn’t go outside. Did sketch workshop and nothing much. Today was the last session of the course and enjoyed the class. I came up with something decent. Watched an episode of “Dollface” and bought “Doom” on Stadia.
[20/08/2020, 22:49:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 7:30 but basically did nothing until mid morning. Cleaned the kitchen and cooked. After lunch I took a nap. Watched “The cat returns” with Jon. Went to Sainsbury. The main headline is that today we went to dine out for the first time since February and it felt good. Of course we took all the safety measures. Once back home we got sad after finding out Chi Chi DeVayne from RuPauls Drag Race has died. Way to go 2020.
[22/08/2020, 22:38:13] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up and had pancakes while watching Canada’s Drag Race. We made a day trip to Cambridge. Gorgeous town. We played with cows in a park they were so cute. One of them licked my arm when I was lowering a branch so they can eat the leaves. It was gross but cute. We made it back to London around 18. We went to buy groceries before getting home to have dinner and watch Twin Peaks.
[23/08/2020, 23:04:12] Ferran Luengo: DH: Spent all the morning cleaning. We ate paella. Took a nap. Meet ISL Core Group on zoom and we worked in long form grounded scenes. Played some Red Dead Redemption 2. Had dinner watching “Hollywood” series finale.
[24/08/2020, 23:33:01] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up early and did some work. After lunch took a nap. Had a meeting with the organization committee for the next playback theatre Iberian gathering. Went to Sainsbury. Had dinner watching The Sopranos. Played a little bit of The Last of Us 2 before bed.
[25/08/2020, 22:51:06] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 3:30am because of nightmares, It was raining and the windows were slightly opened so I close them and went back to bed until 7am. I looked into possible places to take the C1 English test in case I needed. I took a 50 minutes test online to check my English level and the results told that I’m eligible for C2 proficiency. After lunch took a nap. Watched “Howl’s moving castle” with Jon. Got upset because my flight back from Valencia the 11th got cancelled and the only option for changing the flight was the 6th which is very suspicious. I’m afraid another lockdown might occur soon in Spain and I have stuff to do there still. Watched the first episode of “I may destroy you” while dinning.
[26/08/2020, 22:06:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7am and had a boring morning. Did home chores. After lunch took a nap and woke up with a stiff and painful neck felt better after taking a walk, went to Primrose Hill. Attended a mini-workshop/masterclass by Sarah Weiling about how to price your workshop. It was insightful. We had dinner watching The Sopranos.
[27/08/2020, 22:18:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7am and worked a little. Since forecast said it was going to rain in the evening I decided to do my walk and groceries shopping in the morning. Went towards Regent’s Park again. After lunch took a too long nap. Watched “Tales from Earthsea” with Jon. Played a little bit with Mai on Stadia. We had dinner watching 2 episodes of “I May Destroy You”. A little bit of Red Dead Redemption 2 before bed.
[28/08/2020, 23:14:14] Ferran Luengo: DH: Spent all the morning on zoom. It was the last week of the master class in teaching improv and the office hours. After lunch I practiced ukelele (not playing it much since I’m in London). Went for a walk in the evening. We ate pizza watching Twin Peaks for dinner.
[29/08/2020, 22:23:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had the usual Saturday breakfast with pancakes and Drag Race. Went to buy groceries. I cooked today. After lunch we saw one episode of the documentary series [Un]well. Went for a walk this evening. Played Assassin’s Creed. Had dinner watching Twin Peaks.
[31/08/2020, 23:12:17] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 5am to catch a flight to Valencia. Arrived at “home” at 13pm. Dismantled the huge cat scratcher to throw it away before going to buy food because the fridge is empty. Took a nap after lunch. Did more house Marie Kondo. I’m afraid there are a lot of things that won’t make it. Joined a jam with Tracy, Ryan, Vanessa, Louise and Jon. We used puppets! Went for a walk while talked with my brother. Had dinner watching an episode of “Ju-On” on Netflix. FaceTimed Mai before bed.

[01/09/2020, 21:47:07] Ferran Luengo: DH: Today’s been weird. The more time I spent here the more anxious and sad I am. And the weird thing is that I don’t have reason to be sad. It’s like I’m grieving the 8 happy years we spent here and seeing it soulless while I throw away things makes me down. Been all day Marie Kondoing fiercely. The only positive note was the rehearsal for the playback theatre gig we have next Saturday. Finished watching “Ju-On” while dinning. FaceTimed Mai afterwards.
[02/09/2020, 22:21:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: Went to the dentist this morning. I finished the Invisalign treatment but it looks I’ll need some refinement aligners in a couple of months. A friend come over to take things from the flat that is now a free yard sale. Cooked lunch enough for 2 days. Had a mini nap. The courier came to pick the last box I send to London (for now). Another friend came to take the projector and dumbbells . Went to visit the veterinarian to tell her about the cats. She was very grateful to hear they got to London safely and they are doing well. After that I felt like visiting my tap and jazz dance school. My teacher told me about all the struggle he’s being going through after several months locked down. He had to reduce the students to 40% and had to drop the singing lessons off. I had another bittersweet nostalgic moment thinking about the hours I spent in that school. Went to buy some groceries before returning. FaceTimed Mai and had dinner watching “Dead to Me”.
[03/09/2020, 23:15:41] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 5:40am having difficulty with sleeping. Went to the station and rode a train to Castellon and went to the university to settle things and say goodbye. Came back to Valencia around 14pm ate lunch and took a too long nap. Watched “Arriety” with Jon. Chris Mead invited me to join a zoom masterclass about kindness in improv by Ashley Comeau. It was a nice session. FaceTimed Mai. Watched “Dead to me” while dinning.
[04/09/2020, 22:56:02] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up with massive back pain. After breakfast I did some crafting with Hama beads (I left all the stuff here) and I made something for Jon for organizing the Ghibli AV club. Attended the improv place office hours. After lunch took a nap. Went to the physiotherapist. Had rehearsal for tomorrow’s playback theatre performance. Went to dinner with my students at the sushi place around the corner they are so good hearted. Gonna miss teaching them.
[05/09/2020, 21:41:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up still with back pain which went progressively better through the day. Attended the meet & greet at the European playback theatre gathering. Brought some boxes to my mother in law’s flat. Took a nap after a heavy lunch that gave me stomachache for a while. Performed in the gathering, was a lovely performance. Packed for tomorrow’s flight back to London. FaceTimed Mai.
[06/09/2020, 21:15:44] Ferran Luengo: DH: came back to London. The plane was packed. The airport was packed. A little bit unsettling. Came home to have a late lunch and a bit later I joined the Improv as Second Language open session. Carolina from the sketch workshop was in and we did a scene together. It was fun. I barely had dinner because my appetite is messed with all the activity today. Ate some fruit and Mai had proper dinner while we watched “The Umbrella Academy”. Already in bed because I’m exhausted.
[07/09/2020, 22:01:54] Ferran Luengo: DH: first day of the third self isolation. Worked a bit. Played Super Mario Odyssey. Took a nap. Got the box I sent from Valencia last week. Reordered the books and stuff. We are officially out of capacity until we move to another flat or house. Had dinner watching “I May Destroy You”.
[08/09/2020, 22:51:34] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up early. Did some work. In the middle of the morning I had a virtual coffee with Geoff Monk. We’ve been paired in the improv coffe thing. He’s nice. I cooked lunch and after I took a mini nap. Had a meeting this evening with the organization committee for the next Iberian playback theatre gathering. Developed a migraine had to go out to take a walk and the end of the day to grab some fresh air. We went to Waitrose walking by regents canal. Had dinner watching “The Umbrella Academy”.
[09/09/2020, 22:47:20] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 7am. Did some work. Had an google meet with university colleagues. Started making the poster for the Iberian Playback Theatre Gathering. Made lunch. No nap today. Talked with Sugi Konstantinos from Greece as a part of the mentor/mentee thing organized by the improv place. I was the mentor btw (I’m also a mentee). Sugi wanted to know my insight about working on corporate and for different communities and how to approach proposing a workshop. It was a nice chat and made me think that sometimes I undermine my own knowledge. Watched “From up on Poppy Hill” with Jon. Went to Sainsbury afterwards. We had dinner watching “The Sopranos”.
[10/09/2020, 23:22:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: Had a meeting this morning and did a first draft of the poster for the playback theatre gathering. After that… I was cleaning the bathroom and my lower back pinched. I’ve been in pain all day lying down. Watched “The Wind Rises” with Jon and played Assassin’s Creed. This time, while dinning, we watched “The Umbrella Academy”. Finished the day filling a form for a Nursery show led by Marie.
[11/09/2020, 22:22:27] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up with pain still but felt better throughout the day. This morning made a second draft of the poster for the playback gathering. Attended the improv place office hours and a well-being session led by Katy. After lunch I had a chat with Victoria Hogg about my concerns on this new life here in UK. I played Skyrim VR and made me dizzy because haven’t used VR since April. We had pizza watching the new version of “Mulan”. I liked it.
[12/09/2020, 22:11:22] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up better. Had a power outage this morning. Cleaned the kitchen. We saw the documentary “the social dilemma” on Netflix. Makes you want erase your Facebook account. Finished the poster for the playback gathering. Went to Sainsbury. Watched a couple of episodes of “Twin Peaks”.
[13/09/2020, 22:04:04] Ferran Luengo: DH: slept poorly last night because construction workers kept working in the railroad the whole night drilling and sawing. I woke up with massive headache because of that. We had pancakes for breakfast and played overcooked 2. After lunch we saw the Michael Moore’s documentary “Fahrenheit 11/9” about the rise of Trump, it was unsettling. There was no ISL training so I had a chill evening. We had dinner watching the last episode of “Twin Peaks” second season. The whole second season was a mess but the last episode directed by David Lynch is a visual masterpiece. We’ll start third season next weekend.
[14/09/2020, 22:00:42] Ferran Luengo: DH: slept with ear plugs last night so I slept better. Started working on renewing my website . I want to start writing a blog again also marking the beginning of this new life. Today I watched 2 episodes of “Harlots” and one episode of the new series by Akwafina. Joined a mini jam with Jon, Tracy and Louise. Went to Sainsbury’s.
[15/09/2020, 21:31:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 4am for no reason, it took me a while to go back to sleep again but I did until 7am. Updated my domain but I entered in paralysis by analysis when it came to update my site. I cooked teriyaki udon for lunch. Tried to nap but couldn’t. Watched “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” with Jon. Went to Sainsbury’s for a few groceries just for the sake of going out a little bit (I’m still supposed to be in self isolation) We watched an episode of “The Umbrella Academy” dinning.

[16/09/2020, 21:30:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: very busy morning settling things with the university. I pity the fool who takes the tasks I’ve been doing there. Played Super Mario Odissey. Cooked lunch. Did some research about platforms to start blogging again. Haven’t decided yet. We went for a walk by Regents Canal to canopy market. Bought some things at Waitrose before going back. Watched “The Sopranos” today.
[17/09/2020, 21:59:02] Ferran Luengo: DH: updated the PHP version on my hosting service so I could install latest version of WordPress. It’s difficult to find a theme that suits my purpose though. Was most of the morning struggling with that. After lunch I played some Super Mario Odyssey and later watched “When Marnie was here” with Jon. That was the last Ghibli movie. I auditioned for a nursery show and not happy with my last scene. We watched 2 episodes of “I May destroy you “ tonight.
[18/09/2020, 21:58:33] Ferran Luengo: DH: I’m getting to a sweet spot with my new site. Can’t wait to update the content. Attended the improv place office hours and we talked about self promotion and short form. After lunch tried to do a nap but just chilled. Had a long meeting with the rest of the organization team for the Iberian playback theatre gathering. Completed my second walkthrough on The Last of Us 2. Today Nintendo released “Super Mario 3D all-stars” which I got from amazon since I preordered. We started the third season of “Twin Peaks”, I enjoyed the first episode.
[19/09/2020, 21:41:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: Day out! We went to Faversham to visit my sister (haven’t seen her in 4 years) my brother in law took us to longest walk through the fields, the creek and of course Faversham which is a very lovely town, all the houses were gorgeous. We had a very late lunch and we spent some of the evening there before coming back to London. Bought some groceries on the way back from St. Pancras. No energy for cooking dinner so we ordered poke and ate it watching another David Lynch directed episode of “Twin Peaks”. We are exhausted now.
[20/09/2020, 22:02:48] Ferran Luengo: DH: slept quite good last night woke up rested, I guess I was tired because I didn’t realized the construction work during the whole night again. This morning was cleaning time so spent it cleaning until lunchtime. We cooked and ate paella. We watched 2 episodes of The rociadores “Love on the spectrum” (I thing that was the title). Played some Assassins Creed and we had late improv training at ISL, I’m so happy to be included in this group. Relaxed day overall.
[21/09/2020, 21:45:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: was a little bit down this morning after an email from Marie telling me I didn’t make it to her cast. I know it was a very difficult choice because there was a lot of talent and she’s having a bad time discarding people. I went to the optician to take an eye test because from it’s getting difficult/blurry for me to read signs from a certain distance afar. So from next week on I’ll wear glasses. Bought groceries. Fixed a problem I had with my domain forwarding. Joined a jam with Tracey, Jon and Kate. We watched “The Umbrella Academy” tonight.
[22/09/2020, 21:54:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 7am and had a slow breakfast watching an episode of “Harlots”. Worked on the site. And contacted with the director of True Heart Theatre. She said I could attend their online rehearsal but she wants to know me properly first so we scheduled a meeting for tomorrow morning. Cooked spaghetti and vegan meatballs. In the evening I tried the update of Minecraft for PlayStation VR. I used to play it a lot when it came out like 8 years ago. Now, in VR, being able to build a roof to be literally under is very cool. Since I was with the helmet on I booted Resident Evil VII and I reminded why haven’t touched it in a long time. I could only play 15 minutes or so. It’s goddam scary on VR but at the same time so cool… anyway to clear the head I went for a walk through Regents canal. We had dinner watching “I may destroy you”.
[23/09/2020, 21:59:51] Ferran Luengo: DH: This morning I got interviewed through Skype for Valencian television, they are interviewing valencians who live in other countries about COVID situation there and differences with Spain. Then I got a zoom meeting with Agnes Law, the director of True Heart Playback Theatre. She wanted to know my playback theatre background and she wasn’t disappointed. She’s going to ask the group next Sunday if they are OK by consensus with me joining the rehearsals and she’ll get back to me. I’m feeling positive about it. Cooked lunch. Had a rest. In the evening I progressed in my website, it’s getting to the sweet spot. I scheduled a scene with Jon for the next Tuesday. Booked tomorrow’s Catprov workshop led by Jeremie from BIG. I played a VR game very charming called “Moss” where you control a tiny cute mouse through a fairytale world. Today’s show for dinner was “The Sopranos”.
[24/09/2020, 21:39:51] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up at 6am because of a combination of the loud rain and my cats fighting on the bed. Woke up and watched an episode of Harlots. I did home chores, went to buy groceries and cooked. After lunch had a rest and got a call from the optician saying my glasses were ready. I went to pick the glasses and took the chance to have a walk. Came back for the workshop with Jeremie Dayglader about bringing cat behavior to improv. Curiosity. Cling to emotion. Leaving unapologetic. It was fun but there were some issues with the breakout rooms being moved mid exercise. We watched “I May Destroy You” today.
[25/09/2020, 21:43:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: nothing much today. Had a meeting this morning. Attended the office hours from the improv place and booked the course they are organizing for Craig Cackowsky. Helped Mai reading a chapter of her PhD thesis for typos. Worked on my web. Played Borderlands 3 on Stadia. Read a chapter or “Pirate, Robot, Ninja”. We ordered pizza, made popcorn and watched a couple of episodes of “Twin Peaks”.
[26/09/2020, 21:46:40] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up with headache. We made pancakes. Played Overcooked 2 and went to Camden Market for a walk. Too many people though. We picked up something to eat and went away. The evening was pretty chill. Under the blanket playing Assassin’s Creed. We watched the first half of “I’m thinking of ending things “ while having dinner.
[27/09/2020, 21:59:27] Ferran Luengo: DH: Spent all morning cleaning. We made the usual Sunday paella. We finished watching “Love on the Spectrum”. Got good news from Agnes, the director of True Heart Playback Theatre. She spoke with the rest of the team and I will be joining the next rehearsal. Chill evening again playing Assassin’s Creed until the time of the ISL training. Watched the end of “I May Destroy You “ while dinning.
[28/09/2020, 21:47:50] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up having slept quite bad. Had breakfast watching the last episode of His Dark Materials since last night I started the second book. Worked a bit. Went shopping. Cooked lunch. Wrote a little bit. After lunch I attended Citylamps Playback Theatre performance. Played a little bit Assassin’s Creed. Joined Tracey’s weekly jam and it was only the two of us. We ended up playing a game where we had to talk about ourselves and the other person can demand details of a specific thing or jump forward, etc. it was very enjoyable and we got to know each other more. Today we had dinner with “The Umbrella Academy”.
[29/09/2020, 21:23:49] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up upset after a vivid dream about losing a plane and trying to run and not being able to move from the place. I bring myself together with a slow breakfast. Did some web stuff. Thinking about coding again to create applied theatre and improv resources. After lunch kept doing stuff with the computer. Had a scene with Jon for his facebook page. Went for a walk this evening, nothing fancy just through Camden. Today we watched another episode of “The Umbrella Academy” while having dinner.
[30/09/2020, 21:49:05] Ferran Luengo: DH: Sad day, wanted to go out but couldn’t because of the weather. Did home chores and cooked. Called out for testimonials for my website and already got some. Worked on the testimonials page but still feel I might need more to publish it. Read some of “The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials book 2)”. Submitted my workshop for the playback theatre gathering. It’s called “Microverse: from detail to emotion”. We had dinner watching “The Sopranos” today.

[01/10/2020, 21:28:51] Ferran Luengo: DH: days starting to feel alike. Did the same as yesterday mostly. Home chores, cooking. Today I was able to go shopping at least. Had a meeting with the organization committee of the playback gathering. Played Super Mario Galaxy. Messed with my site. Booked a show on Hoopla for the 17th. We watched “The Umbrella Academy” today.
[02/10/2020, 21:48:45] Ferran Luengo: DH: a bit down today. I guess the weather didn’t help. Attended the improv place office hours, today led by Jon and Fiona since Chris and Katy weren’t available. After that nothing much. I practiced quite a bit The ukelele today. Played Super Mario Galaxy. Had pizza and made popcorn to enjoy two episodes of “Twin Peaks”. On other note Mai tested negative for COVID so I guess I must be negative as well.
[03/10/2020, 21:51:13] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up kind of later than usual, almost 10, we made pancakes for breakfast. They began to stick to the pan but they were good anyway. After lunch we played Overcooked 2 and then we went to Stratford to buy a new pan. The IKEA shop there had disappeared (because of the pandemic we presume) so we went to John Lewis and we got a ourselves a brand new pan. Since we were there we went to wagamama because we were craving ramen. Once back home we relaxed at the sofa for a bit. I watched Marie’s show, she really did put together a good cast. Not hungry enough for dinner we made some popcorn while watching the second half of “I’m thinking of ending things”.
[04/10/2020, 21:48:32] Ferran Luengo: DH: we had pancakes for breakfast and after that I joined the ISL open session which was very very good. We played armandos where the monologues were spoken in the native language of the speaker and we came up with very good scenes. After the session I stayed a little bit on chatting with Claudia and Marie. We had paella for (late) lunch. After a nap we watched the season finale of “The Umbrella Academy”. I worked on the schedule pdf for the playback theatre gathering while listening the last Improv London Podcast featuring Marie. We had dinner watching the first episode of “Ratched”. Sarah Paulson is amazing.
[05/10/2020, 21:37:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: been a bit down and off the weather today. Been busy with the playback theatre gathering program. Went to buy groceries. Started writing a post on my blog with exercises to work connection between twoprov partners. “The Sopranos” was the dinner series today.
[06/10/2020, 21:49:58] Ferran Luengo: DH: Been busy today on the computer, organization stuff. Cooked udon with stir vegetables and thai peanut sauce. Took a nap. Wrote a little bit more. Had the first session of Craig Cackowski’s course about forms, today it was La Ronde. We watched “Dollface” while dining.
[07/10/2020, 21:52:15] Ferran Luengo: DH: the neck and back are killing me today. Haven’t done much today. Wrote a bit. Play “Super Hot” on Stadia. The highlight of the day was the improv place jam led by Vic Hogg . I had so much fun and the scenes were so good and hilarious. We watched an episode of “Ratched” tonight.
[08/10/2020, 21:53:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: Main focus today was getting an appointment with a physiotherapist or a chiropractor. Turns out I’m practically neighbour with a couple of them. Booked for the evening. This morning worked on more organizational stuff. After lunch rested for a while before going to get treatment. It was a painful 45 minutes session but now I feel better. All the time sitting is paying it’s toll with the back and neck. Gotta exercise more. Anyway, I rested after the intense session as commanded. I finished my post with exercises for duos on my blog. Watched “The Sopranos” while dinning.
[09/10/2020, 21:32:42] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 4:30am couldn’t sleep again I went to the sofa and watched half of 1987’s “The Gate”. Went back to bed and kind of slept. Woke up at 8:40. Body is sore after yesterday’s treatment but I feel much better. Started doing the detailed program of the gathering with the info of every workshop and facilitator. Attended the improv place office hours. Today’s topic was how to get people into improv and the importance of language and words we use when teaching improv. After lunch I played Super Mario 64. Practiced ukelele and singing. In the evening we went to buy groceries and we had dinner watching “Twin Peaks”.
[11/10/2020, 21:30:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up at 2:30am because of construction work noises in the rails watched the other half of “The Gate” and some YouTube videos . Close to 4am went back to bed and woke up at 9am we had pancakes watching Doctor Who. Cleaned the living room. We had paella for lunch and chilled on the sofa watched a Disney+ documentary about wildlife in China. Did more work for the playback gathering before joining the ISL session where we work from truth and it resulted in very grounded and good scenes. Had dinner watching “The Sopranos”.
[12/10/2020, 21:30:17] Ferran Luengo: DH: Mai took the day off so we had another Sunday. We watched Doctor Who while having breakfast and the we went for a walk. Ate at the Honest Burguer close to King’s Cross haven’t been there since February. We went to Waitrose on our way home. Had a relaxed evening playing “Assassin’s Creed Revelations” had since we were still full from lunch had a light dinner watching the first episode of “The Haunting of Bly Manor”. 👻
[13/10/2020, 21:50:53] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up early a little bit stressed. Did some work and joined a zoom exposition of applied theatre on people with dementia. Wanted to go out but rain happened. So I’m the evening I did not much until the second session of Craig Cackowski course. Today’s form was The Party, it was very funny. After we had dinner watching “Ratched”.
[14/10/2020, 21:32:05] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 8am had breakfast before having a playback theatre gig for diverse functionality and mental patients on line. It was a very tender and beautiful gig. A little bit after lunch I went to Deptford station where I met with Marie for a coffee. We met finally IRL and we discussed improv and facing a new challenging situation trying to live out improv and art. Went to Waitrose on my way home. We had a long video call with a friend. We watched an episode of “Nora from Queens” to wrap up the day.
[15/10/2020, 21:36:43] Ferran Luengo: DH: today I said goodbye to the university mates because from today on I’m full time dedicated to what I love. It’s going to be difficult and challenging. I had a zoom meeting this morning with Vic Hogg and talked about this and she gave me valuable advice about how to try getting arts council grants. After lunch I played Animal Crossing a little bit. Joined a La Ronde training session and Vic, Katy Schutte and me were the only ones to show up so for me it was a treat having 40 minutes of non-stop improv with Katy and Vic it was hilarious when we started using props and puppets. In the evening I wrote a new post in my blog about a peculiar form we do in Spain. (I’ll attach the link) Late in the evening a headache started bugging me. We had dinner with “The Haunting of Bly Manor” today.

[16/10/2020, 21:59:19] Ferran Luengo: DH: strange day today. Woke up at 7am and, after breakfast, went to Regent’s Park for a walk. Attended the improv place office hours and the ideas park which delayed lunch hour. Had a social meeting with ISL that was postponed until more people could come. Had a hip hop workshop with Kaila Mullady from Freestyle Love Supreme that also got postponed because of some sort of storm in New York that triggered power outages. We ordered pizza and watched the Spanish horro movie “The Influence” on Netflix, it was very disappointing. And the last disappointment of the day is that we have to make all the planned playback gathering online. Better call it a day and hope tomorrow’s better (which might because we’re going to Hoopla)
[17/10/2020, 21:42:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a bit of insomnia at 2:30am I woke up and watch a bit of 80s horror movie “Waxwork” I like watching 80s horror movies whenever I am lonely in the middle of the night. When I were sleepy again I went back to bed and Mai woke me up at 9am to have breakfast 🥞 which we ate watching Doctor Who. We went for a walk and buy groceries afterwards. Had a relaxed evening before going to Hoopla which is super safe. There were only 8 or 9 small round tables with a couple of chairs each and very distanced. The “Hell yeah!” show was very good of course. Got very Chicago vibes having table service using the app. Getting beers and chips while watching improv is cool . We got home not so long ago and we’re enjoying a camomile watching Twin Peaks before going to bed.
[18/10/2020, 21:59:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: spent in pajamas all day but overall it was productive. We had pancakes watching Doctor Who. I cleaned the kitchen and the living room. We made paella and we chilled watching a show about how Hamilton’s “Wait for it” song was made. I played “Borderlands 3 “ on Stadia for a bit. Today at ISL had a special session with Stephen Davidson about how to deal with difficult topics and discussing boundaries. It was very insightful and I’m very happy to be in ISL. I’m very fond of everybody. Tonight we had dinner watching “The Sopranos”.
[19/10/2020, 21:40:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: this morning I helped Mai reading a chapter of her PhD thesis. I finally published the testimonials on my site, I was waiting for an even number. Did chores and made lunch. In the evening I didn’t do much. Played Borderlands and went for a walk to Camden Market I like it when there aren’t many people. Bought groceries on my way back. We washed Jon’s bottom because he made a mess peeing (he only has a hole for urinating after the urethrostomy he had last year). We had dinner watching “The haunting of Bly Manor”.
[20/10/2020, 21:36:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: started working on a post about playback theatre today. Cooked lunch. Had an evening coffe zoom meeting with other ISL members. Today’s Craig Cackowsky form workshop was about “close quarters” and I don’t think I got it. We had dinner watching “Ratched”.
[21/10/2020, 21:59:24] Ferran Luengo: DH: been busy most of the day with playback theatre stuff, writing and organizing. We had a lengthy meeting because we have to move all the gathering online and I’ve been busy adjusting the schedule. Also been following all day the Spanish parliament because of the ridiculous non-confidence motion to the government set by the fascist party just as a publicity stunt. That kept me upset most of the day. Between that, the playback thing and the rainy grey sky into the mix has been a crappy day. We had a break for dinner watching “The haunting of Bly Manor “ but I’m still hooked to the gathering WhatsApp group.
[22/10/2020, 22:19:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 7am today. Had slow breakfast and I made the changes for the gathering. Wrote a little bir. Cleaned the bathroom. This evening went for a walk along Regent’s canal and groceries shopping on the way back. Joined a jam organized by Tracy with also Simone, Athira and Doro. We did a couple of La Ronde (the second one using objects) and we talked about how could we innovate in online improv. There was a brainstorm of ideas and we’ll discuss it further. Had dinner watching “Nora from Queens”.
[23/10/2020, 21:59:54] Ferran Luengo: DH: this morning I went to Regent’s park after breakfast and stayed there until time to came back home for the improv place office hours. After lunch didn’t do nothing much. The hip hop workshop was postponed again because a friend of the facilitator passed away. A friend sent me info about a project led by playbackers of Bangalore that are looking for 25 international actors for an online reenactment of Romeo and Juliet and I applied. I played “Borderlands 3” on Stadia and we had pizza for dinner watching “The Bronx vs. Vampires” .
[24/10/2020, 21:45:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up late after a night sleeping poorly and with headache. We had breakfast watching Doctor Who. Went for a walk to Canopy Market. I made lunch and rested for a bit before training with True Heart Playback Theatre. Played with Mai to “Dead by Daylight” . We are watching several episodes of “The Haunting of Bly Manor”.
[25/10/2020, 21:24:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: we had pancakes and watched Doctor Who. Played “Overcooked 2” together. Made paella. We went to covent garden area for a walk in the evening. Today’s ISL session was so fun. We explore what each other liked in improv and we tried to please each other constantly which led to hilarious scenes. Had dinner watching “Ratched”.
[26/10/2020, 21:30:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: I’ve been down a little bit this morning. Feeling unproductive thinking about the future. This evening went for a long walk through Camden Market, I’m starting to like the place when there’s few people only. I took a long hot shower when I got home. We had dinner watching “The Sopranos”.
[27/10/2020, 21:25:44] Ferran Luengo: DH: we move some things in the gathering so I had to make yet another version of the program. And since I have to find myself things to do now, I reprised Japanese thinking in retaking the proficiency test I passed in 2006 because now it’s so rusty. Started preparing my workshop for the gathering. In the evening there wasn’t Craig’s workshop because he had a shooting for a commercial. It was just Chris, Mara, Doro, Ryan, Hazel, Eva and I practicing the three forms seen until now. It was fun. Dinner with “The haunting of Bly Manor “ today.
[28/10/2020, 21:59:17] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up early and first thing I did after breakfast was upgrading my zoom account to a paid one so I can do my workshop at the gathering next Sunday. Had to test drive the account with Schwetta’s help and I learnt how to manage as a host, of course we took the opportunity also to chat about improv and playback theatre. After that I went to buy new jeans to H&M now I need to find some place to shorten them and google is not helping. In the evening I practiced Japanese on Memrise and started preparing the workshop. We went to Sainsbury’s when got dark. We made dinner and watched “The haunting of Bly Manor” and probably tomorrow we’ll watch the last episode.
[29/10/2020, 21:50:55] Ferran Luengo: DH: It happened again. Woke up in the middle of the night without being able to fall sleep again. I watched a documentary on amazon called “Rewind This!” about the VHS. Went back to bed and could sleep until 7:30am. Been busy with the gathering all day and that jump started my anxiety. Still not very happy about the content of my workshop for next Sunday and that makes it worse. And the gathering starts tomorrow and I’ll be very busy and I wont be able to do more research. Did a mini jam with Tracy, Athira and Siddhart. Tracy wants to make a show but so far there’s nothing concrete I stated that first, we have to set the framing for it and then start playing to see what kind of improv we do. Anyway, after that session, we finished “The Haunting of Bly Manor”. Overall it is OK but it is very far from “The Haunting of Hill House” which I adored. Now just want to get inside the bed and sleep.
[30/10/2020, 22:40:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up well rested today. After breakfast I looked into more stuff for my workshop. Attended the improv place office hours and had lunch. Rested a bit and the gathering started at 14:00 I was stuck to zoom until 19:20 it was nice but exhausting. We ordered a pizza and watched “The Mandalorian”. Going to bed thinking in today’s long day of gathering starting at 8:30am and finishing close to 22pm.
[31/10/2020, 23:27:40] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 7am to have breakfast before the playback theatre gathering started. I was attending gathering events and managing zoom rooms all day. At 20pm we had the playback theatre show and it was very gloomy, the stories were all very sad and you can tell people starts to feel very tired of the situation. Nevertheless it was a good performance and I feel very blessed for continuing representing Iberian playback theatre in a tight core. I’m completely exhausted and a bit worried about tomorrow’s workshop. Just want to sleep.

[01/11/2020, 21:38:39] Ferran Luengo: DH: luckily I slept quite well last night so I woke up very refreshed. We had slow breakfast watching Doctor who and then I launched the zoom for my workshop “Microverse: from details to emotion”. I had more people than expected and they left very happy, which made me happy of course. We did the closing ceremony for the gathering before lunch. I was relieved and satisfied after everything was over because it was successful. We made a pact in the organization committee made a pact to not to speak to each other for a few days to let everything settle and rest. Had paella for lunch and rested a bit before joining the ISL open session. As always quite good. We had dinner watching “Ratched”.
[02/11/2020, 21:40:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke up at 8:30am and had breakfast. At 10am I had a 2 hours session with ISL, at the end of it I spent half an hour talking with Marie and Claudia and we arranged a free “Introduction to playback theatre” workshop for ISL on November 29th. After lunch I decided to treat the rest of the day as holiday since I’m still recovering from the busy weekend. Just played Borderlands and went to the waitrose by canopy market. We watched “The Sopranos” for dinner today.
[03/11/2020, 21:53:22] Ferran Luengo: DH: biggest event today was doing the first session of Katy Schutte’s intensive at Theatre Deli! It was a blessing being able to jump, dance, roll on the floor and have fun improvising IRL. Also I got to meet finally Rhiannon Jenkins and Vera Chok in person. Tomorrow I will do the same but the last 2 sessions of the intensive will be online because of… well you know. Came back home and had time to rest a little bit for Craig Cackowski’s course last session which was about the Armando. Had also fun but coming from playing live felt underwhelming. We had dinner watching the last episode of “Nora from Queens”.
[04/11/2020, 21:44:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: second day of Katy’s experimental improv course. We played repetition, time lapse, truth, chorus, fights… at the end we did two sets that were so so good and artsy. I played with Vera Chok and Fred Deakin and it felt amazing. I’m so so happy with what we achieved in 12 hours of IRL work and it’s so discouraging that it continues online but I’m curious about what Katy has in the sleeve for keeping the experimental vibe under zoom. I stayed 45 minutes more having coffee with Rhiannon and Darias. Came home after a quick stop at Sainsbury’s. Bought “Far Cry New Dawn” on Google Stadia and played a little before dinner which we had watching the first episode of “The Queen’s Gambit”. Watching BBC news to check how the USA are doing.
[05/11/2020, 21:54:02] Ferran Luengo: DH: back to the lockdown bubble. Today’s session with Katy was definitely different we explored more with tech stuff than performing. There were some cool things that we do but overall I don’t have the same excitement I had after the IRL sessions. After Katy’s intensive had another online session so I have zoom fatigue because of the 8h of it. We had dinner watching 1×08 of “Ratched”.
[06/11/2020, 21:30:24] Ferran Luengo: DH: last day of Katy’s intensive. Second of the online version. Today was better and we did cool thing creating environments with objects and original sets with whatever we had in home. Still 6 hours is tiresome. Played Borderlands 3 on Stadia and went to Sainsbury’s. We ordered pizza and watched the season finale of “Ratched”.
[07/11/2020, 22:25:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: usual Saturday breakfast watching Doctor Who. Spent the morning cleaning and cooking. After lunch we watched the docuseries about how the voting in USA works and its flaws including bias towards white rich men. Had training with True Heart Playback Theatre. For the rest of the evening I was watching the news. We had dinner watching “Twin Peaks”.
[08/11/2020, 21:19:35] Ferran Luengo: DH: Same pattern as yesterday. Pancakes, Doctor Who, cleaning, cooking. Watched The Mandalorian. Checked in tomorrow’s flight and filled the form to enter Spain. Had training with ISL but not very satisfied with my performance I think I too much in my head. We watched The Sopranos tonight.
[09/11/2020, 22:27:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: stressful day. Had to go to Stansted Airport to catch a plane to Valencia. While boarding got an email from RyanAir saying my flight back got canceled which had me worried all flight and couldn’t wait to get here to search for another flight. Found one Thursday but I got to fly to Madrid and spent almost 6 hours to board one plane to London. And that was the best option…. so I booked it. Tomorrow I’ll go to the dentist and hopefully finish settle things with the flat so I can’t go back to London and not worry about coming back to Valencia until things got better.
[10/11/2020, 21:38:53] Ferran Luengo: DH: I had difficulties to sleep last night despite of the trip. Woke up early to go to the dentist where I spent a lot of time open mouthed while they glued the attachments needed for the batch of refinement trays which are 21 of them which means the treatment will end in March or early April assuming normality. The rest of the day I spent it emptying shelves and throwing things. Got a haircut since is waaay cheaper than in UK. Made myself a pizza with anchovies and mushrooms and ate it while watching “Ghostbusters 2”. FaceTimed Mai which remind me of the dark times of the first lockdown.
[11/11/2020, 22:11:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: spent all the day emptying the flat, packing things and moving them to mother in law’s place. Only had a break for rehearsing for The Time Capsule show I have next Saturday and the social meeting organized by ISL. A couple of former students came to my place to pick up some comic books I was giving away. I couldn’t seat and relax until late. Bought a beer to blow some steam while dining watching “Ghostbusters” (2016). Let’s hope my journey tomorrow brings me back to London.
[12/11/2020, 21:06:07] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 5:45 GMT+1 and spent all day catching flights and sitting during hours in airport seats. I finished season 2 of Ricky Gervais’ “After Life” in that time. Anyway finally I made it back to London. I’m ultra tired now and my brain is fried. We started Schitts Creek. I need sleep. Oh, and I start another self isolation period.
[13/11/2020, 21:49:16] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 10:15am. I slept close to 12h! I guess I was THAT tired. Had a relaxed day today after this exhausting week. Joined the improv place office hours before lunch. Did nothing productive the rest of the day and I don’t care. Played Borderland 3. Installed the last version of KDE Neon Linux distro on my laptop. Had pizza for dinner watching “Twin Peaks’.
[14/11/2020, 21:38:32] Ferran Luengo: DH: slept not so well today. Woke up at 9:30am. After breakfast I attended a rehearsal with Tracy’s troupe and we played a La Ronde as characters of a fantasy RPG videogame when nobody is playing it. It was very fun. After lunch I participated in The Time Capsule show, I also enjoyed it. The rest of the day was about relaxing. Played “Borderlands 3” and kept installing things in the computer. We had dinner watching Spanish TV series “Veneno”.
[15/11/2020, 21:35:02] Ferran Luengo: DH: another relaxed day. Tomorrow I’ll try to start doing productive things. I had ISL training at 12pm and we focused on positivity. After lunch, we saw a documentary about cat shows in Canada and I fell sleep. Watched an episode of Schitt’s Creek during tea time. Played Assassin’s Creed. We watched The Soprano’s season 4 finale.

[16/11/2020, 21:47:46] Ferran Luengo: DH: a bit more productive today. Still on self isolation. I was asked from the university record some audio talking about my favourite valencian books and authors for a radio show tomorrow. I did a review form to send to the playback theatre gathering attendees. Joined an ISL social. Cleaned the kitchen. Between these things played a bit. We watched another episode of “Veneno” while dinning.
[17/11/2020, 21:42:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: tried to change my attitude even if I’m self isolating. after breakfast I rearranged my clothes since I had to make room for winter sweaters. Took the ocasión to practice folding Marie Kondo style. Took a shower, dressed up and sat in front of the computer. Reviewed Japanese vocabulary. Cooked gnocchi for lunch. In the evening I talked with friends from Spain. Wrote a little bit. Updated my calendar putting every rehearsal and training scheduled. Played a little bit before dinner which we had watching “Veneno”.
[18/11/2020, 21:46:33] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a busy morning disrupted by a rabbit hole of google customer support in order to change my payment profile to an UK one so I could share my purchases with my wife. They fixed the family sharing but in the process I lost my current Stadia Pro membership for this month even if I paid for it last week. Still waiting for a solution. Anyway this evening I joined the improv place jam led by Tracy and Marie. Studied Japanese. We watched “Veneno” again tonight.
[19/11/2020, 22:01:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: been a little bit down today. Self isolation starting to weight and can’t see a future in London in a pandemic world. Talked to Vic Hogg this morning about concerns. Wrote a little bit. Joined ISL training and cheered me up a bit. Had dinner watching “Veneno” (only one episode left)
[20/11/2020, 21:53:47] Ferran Luengo: DH: tried to woke up at 7:30 but kept snoozing until 8:00 after breakfast I folded the laundry and got myself ready to write a bit. I had a meeting with Marie and later I joined the improv place office hours. I cooked lunch and rested a bit. In the evening we watched the last episode of “Veneno”. Later I wrote a bit more and studied Japanese. We had pizza for dinner and watched the movie “Possessor”. It won the Sitges film festival but I felt underwhelmed by it.
[21/11/2020, 22:01:53] Ferran Luengo: DH: I woke under the weather and with a headache. we had breakfast watching the last episode of “Doctor Who” and now we’re all caught up. I had a rehearsal with Tracy’s troupe which today was led by Siddharth who taught us Spokane form. I had fun despite of not feeling well. After lunch I had another rehearsal, this time with True Heart (Playback) Theatre and we focused on the form of chorus. It also felt good. After the rehearsal we had tea and watched this week’s “The Mandalorian”. Studied Japanese and later I felt like playing “Yakuza 6” to keep passive learning. We had dinner watching “Twin Peaks”.
[22/11/2020, 21:38:38] Ferran Luengo: DH: cleaning all morning listening Improv London Podcast and my favourite playlists. Had paella for lunch and after I joined a rehearsal of Tragically Unscripted since I was invited by Sarit. Irina and I had some concerns about using a “trauma” or a quirk as suggestion for the form because it may fall in making fun of things that might be triggering. I talked about it as well with Marie who was also in the session. Studied Japanese and play a little bit of “Yakuza 6” before dinner. We started “The Sopranos” season 5.
[23/11/2020, 21:47:13] Ferran Luengo: DH: had an ISL session this morning where we worked edits. In the evening studied Japanese and started preparing the playback theatre workshop I’m facilitating next Sunday for ISL members. Went through a lot of old material. We had virtual dinner with a friend from Spain. Watched an episode of Schitt’s Creek.
[24/11/2020, 21:55:23] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up kinda early today and have a calmed breakfast watching YouTube videos. Once I got dressed I sat on the computer and wrote a little bit more. Cooked lunch and afterwards I fought with the computer because it looks like it won’t execute binary files. Wrote more and published on my blog. Studied Japanese before joining Liverpool Comedy improv class which was fun and the exercises very useful, little bit of overwhelmed because I didn’t know the rest of the people and they looked like were working together for a long time. Finishing the day watching “The Sopranos”.
[25/11/2020, 22:04:54] Ferran Luengo: DH: nothing much today. Started some slides for Sunday’s workshop (yes I’m going to lecture with slides at the beginning). Marie introduced me to another Valencian improviser living in London and we talked quite a bit. She added me to a Valencian expats WhatsApp group. Cooked lunch. Studied Japanese. Joined the improv place JAM and I had a good time. Bought Marvel’s Avengers game on Stadia’s Black Friday offers and started playing it. We had dinner watching Queen’s Gambit.
[26/11/2020, 21:30:09] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up at 6:30, couldn’t sleep more. Played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey before breakfast. I was busy this morning preparing playback theatre stuff. On the evening I rehearsed with amazing people and Katy Schutte for her conceptual online show “Tiles”. Played Avengers and then the highlight: going outside at last! It was just to Waitrose by the canal but I was able to close my exercise ring on the Apple Watch. Bought a kalimba on Amazon this morning and got it in the evening. We watched The Sopranos tonight.
[27/11/2020, 21:44:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: today I woke up earlier (5:45) couldn’t sleep more so I played before breakfast. After breakfast and cleaning a bit went for a walk and bought groceries in the way back. Joined the improv place office hours and we talked about competitive improv. After lunch I joined an ISL social and fell asleep afterwards. Played a bit this evening and attended a zoom clown event of a friend. As usual (Fridays) we ordered pizza and today we watched The New Mutants which is the last ever 20th Century Fox Marvel movie since now Disney owns the rights. I must say I enjoyed it although it’s bad.
[28/11/2020, 21:59:19] Ferran Luengo: DH: had breakfast starting the 3rd season of Star Trek Discovery. Had rehearsal of the Spokane form. In the evening had rehearsal of Tragically Unscripted. Watched The Mandalorian. Awesome episode. We went for a walk to Tottenham – Oxford St. area there were to many people even with the shops closed. We cooked gyozas for dinner and watched Twin Peaks.
[29/11/2020, 21:42:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up early to join a rehearsal in an experimental Romeo & Juliet organized by a group of Bangalore. The organization was so poor that left me worried. The highlight of the day was the workshop I did for ISL. It went well but I had a lot of content left out because of the time. Anyway I’m satisfied. Had dinner with The Sopranos today.
[30/11/2020, 21:34:24] Ferran Luengo: DH: lame day. This morning we had several people in the flat replacing the broken hob and the faulty washing machine. Once they finished I had time to go to Sainsbury’s and cook teriyaki udon for lunch. In the evening I was filled with apathy couldn’t do much. The fact that it’s already dark by 4pm didn’t help. We went out for a short walk in the evening. Had dinner watching The Queen’s Gambit and did the dishes afterwards. Better call it a day.

[01/12/2020, 21:42:17] Ferran Luengo: DH: started working in the workshop section of my site. Looked for and downloaded the form we have to send to the Spanish embassy to register there. Cooked lunch and had a Tragically Unscripted rehearsal some concerns were raised again about using a sensitive situation. I’m starting to think they’ll end up hating me for being so picky. Studied Japanese. Went for a walk. Played Marvel’s Avengers. We watched The Queen’s Gambit dinning.
[02/12/2020, 21:48:56] Ferran Luengo: DH: not productive today but it was a pleasant day. Mai took the day off and we this morning we went to photocopy and printing things and we took passport photos required by the Spanish embassy. We took a walk through Camden, it was nice seeing it with most everything open but with only few people. We had lunch at Dirty Vegan Dinner at Camden Market. Afterwards we went to buy a natural and very little Xmas tree. We got home early evening and relaxed watching Cobra Kai. Played Yakuza 6. Talked with my brother. Had dinner watching The Crown.
[03/12/2020, 22:30:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: nothing much today. after breakfast had rehearsal with Katy and the rest of the Tiles experiment. Cooked lunch. In the evening had to go Sainsbury’s and got wet. Came home and changed straight too the pajamas. Studied Japanese. Played Borderlands 3. We watched another episode of Queen’s Gambit tonight.
[04/12/2020, 22:31:15] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up 8am had breakfast watching episode 2×02 of His Dark Materials. Made home chores. Joined the improv place where we talked about the future of online improv when things go back to normal. After lunch relaxed a bit watching Stephen Colbert on YouTube and Cobra Kai on Netflix. Had an ISL core session and we had probably the longest mind meld ever. Played Borderlands 3 after. We had pizza for dinner watching the first episode of “30 coins”.
[05/12/2020, 23:31:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: Busy day! Had rehearsal with the Spokane group right after breakfast. After lunch, I had Playback Theatre rehearsal with True Heart. After that, I joined a Global Play Brigade session facilitated by Vic Hogg. Played a little bit Borderlands 3 before dinner, which we had watching Twin Peaks. We had a meeting tonight with our friends from Castellon and we spent 2 hours playing Among Us together. We had a lot of fun.
[06/12/2020, 21:37:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: had 4 hours straight of zoom this morning (a rehearsal and an ISL session) which left me with a headache. After lunch, napping and watching Mandalorian cleaned the bathroom. Played a bit of Borderlands 3 beating the main campaign before dinner which we had watching The Sopranos.
[07/12/2020, 22:33:01] Ferran Luengo: DH: quite productive day personally. Worked on setting my workshop and getting acquainted with Eventbrite, but finally my 4 week course is out there. So far 1 person bought and another wants to join but doesn’t want to pay through Eventbrite (not sure why). Already filled 1 of the 2 scholarships positions I offered. Went to buy to Waitrose as an excuse to walk by the canal but it was very cold today. Played a little bit before joining Nick Armstrong masterclass on genre for the improv place. Had dinner watching Cobra Kai.
[08/12/2020, 21:14:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: Woke up at 8am. After breakfast I did laundry. Sat down to update my site. Studied Japanese. Cooked lunch. Had rehearsal for Tragically Unscripted. Went for a walk to Camden Market, not many people so it was pleasant. Groceries on the way back. Had dinner watching Queen’s Gambit.
[09/12/2020, 22:38:18] Ferran Luengo: DH: struggled with the UK government phone to get the NI number. After 40 minutes of waiting with bland music I got through and applied to get the documentation I need by mail. Cooked lunch. In the evening I studied Japanese and practiced ukelele. Attended the improv place jam and Chris Meads’s mapping workshop (thanks to Stuart Moses 😉) which was pretty fun.
[10/12/2020, 21:39:45] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a long and pleasant walk through Primrose Hill area. Pit stop at Sainsbury’s on my way back. Quite calm evening. Mai had an online cocktail workshop organized by her work as one of the events of Xmas activities. I had to taste a lot of cocktails so we ended up tipsy. Ordered poke for dinner. We watched the ending of The Queen’s Gambit.
[11/12/2020, 22:17:59] Ferran Luengo: DH: did home chores before joining the improv place office hours. Today we talked about difference between being good performer and good teacher and how sometimes it’s not tied. After lunch we had the ISL Xmas social. We talked, we gifted symbolic things to each other and we played. It was fun. Mailed London Playback Theatre and got in touch with a coordinator of Global Play Brigade. Played a little bit to Avengers. We ordered the usual Friday pizza and watched 30 Coins.
[12/12/2020, 21:49:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a nice day. We had pancakes for breakfast while watching His Dark Materials. I cleaned and cooked. Had a playback theatre workshop about courage and authenticity that I enjoyed a lot. Then we went for a walk trying to decide where to dine. We discover an awesome Asian supermarket with lots of vegan options and decided to come back and cook dinner. Ended watching Sofia Coppola’s “On the rocks”.
[13/12/2020, 21:07:39] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a bad night because of construction work. Had breakfast watching Star Trek Discovery. Cleaned the living room. Had ISL session. After lunch took a nap. Watched The Mandalorian. Played Skyrim VR. I talked about playback theatre for improv London podcast . Dinner watching The Sopranos.
[14/12/2020, 21:47:17] Ferran Luengo: DH: we went out this morning while the sun allowed. Walk around Saint Pancras area, Regent Canal and Coal Yard. Had sushi for lunch. Attended the improv place Xmas social where I chatted and had fun playing codenames with other improvisers. We had video-dinner with a friend and watched episode 4×02 of The Crown.
[15/12/2020, 22:26:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: We spent all the morning outside to make the most of the time pre-tier3, also it was lovely outside this morning. Bought a Star Wars Xmas jumper for 10 pounds. We ate at wagamama. We tried to go to the boardgame store at Camden Market but it was closed. Went to Sainsbury on our way back. Took a nap. In the evening Google added 3 new Assassin’s Creed games to Stadia very very discounted so I bought AC Syndicate and played for a little bit. It’s funny because the game is based in victorian London and it was the first time I actually played it in London. Had dinner with The Sopranos.

[16/12/2020, 21:34:15] Ferran Luengo: DH: nothing much today, went for a walk this morning to enjoy the little sun we have these days. Cooked teriyaki udon for lunch. Attended an ISL social. Played Overcooked 2 with Mai because we still have a lot of downloadable content campaigns to play. Watched an episode of Cobra Kai. Wrote a post for my blog regarding Improv London Podcast. Cooked some soup for dinner. Today we watched The Sopranos as well.
[17/12/2020, 21:36:41] Ferran Luengo: DH: this morning had long rehearsal of Tragically Unscripted which made us had lunch quite late. We watched Schits Creek, we are 6 episodes in and still not feeling why people like it so much. We watched Cobra Kai after. Went for a walk in the post 16pm darkness. Stop by Sainsbury’s on the way back. After a lot of thinking and hearing Chris talk about it I ordered an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset (FOMO). Also next week is my birthday and since next-gen consoles are hijacked by scalpers I decided to treat myself. Had dinner watching The Crown.
[18/12/2020, 22:16:04] Ferran Luengo: DH: had horrible night so I woke up with headache. Joined the improv place office hours. Took a needed nap after lunch. Wrote a little bit. Studied Japanese. Finished PSVR game Moss. We had pizza watching 30 Coins. Considering joining The Star Wars Marathon organized by Chris and Jon.
[19/12/2020, 23:37:58] Ferran Luengo: DH: woke up and had breakfast watching Star Trek Discovery. Finished reading the second book of His Dark Materials. Joined the Star Wars marathon on “Solo”. After lunch had the True Heart Xmas open rehearsal and social. We re-enacted 3 stories from the audience one of them regarding the bullying the East-Asian community is getting because some people (assholes basically) blame them for the COVID, from spitting on them in public transport to spray paint their businesses. Then I had Spokane workshop with Amey Goerlich. We learnt a lot from her about the form. We went to Waitrose in the late evening when stopped raining. Ordered poke for dinner and we watched Twin Peaks. On other news, my oculus quest 2 VR headset got home and I’m in awe. I can’t go back to PSVR because the oculus is sooo crisp (and wireless) in comparison! Can’t wait to do stuff with the other oculus owning improvisers.

[21/12/2020, 00:14:44] Ferran Luengo: DH: had a workout session after breakfast… playing Beat Saber in the oculus. After a shower I joined the ISL session. We ate paella and we digested it watching a documentary on Netflix about how the guide dogs are trained. Watched Cobra Kai season 2 finale. Kept experimenting with the oculus side loading different apps and demos, including android apps and emulators. I’m happy because ScummVM works and I can play Monkey Island in my VR room. We had a video call dinner with a friend. Watched inside no 9.
[21/12/2020, 23:18:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: after breakfast we filled the application for the NI number form we got yesterday in the mailbox. Joined Star Wars Marathon while doing home chores and cooking. After lunch I had a long Tragically Unscripted rehearsal. Kept experimenting with the VR. We watched The Sopranos dinning.
[22/12/2020, 23:05:29] Ferran Luengo: DH: tried to go to the post office to sent the registration to the Spanish consulate but turned out we lacked the form for the certification of the copies of our Spanish ID cards so we’ll go back tomorrow. Cooked lunch. Long walk in the evening to Candem and through the canal back to Coal Drops Yard where we went to Waitrose before going back home. We had dinner watching The Sopranos. Played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
[23/12/2020, 23:13:15] Ferran Luengo: DH: cats woke me early. Had breakfast and went to the post office to send the NI forms and the registration to the Spanish consulate. Went to buy groceries for tonight’s zoom party and tomorrow’s dinner. Ordered lunch. Had an ISL social where we played codenames. Treated myself to Immortals Fenyx Rising on Stadia for my birthday. Played a couple of hours. Had a zoom party with my friends from Spain we had fun just chatting no games were needed. Now my tummy hurts because of the beer and the mix of different snacks.

[24/12/2020, 22:51:31] Ferran Luengo: DH: Xmas cleaning in the morning and cooked carrot soup. Watched Labyrinth after lunch. Every Xmas we watch it. Played Immortals Fenyx Rising on Stadia and Half-Life on VR before cooking. Lovely time dining with the acknowledge that it’s our very first Xmas living in the UK, we will remember it. Just watched Bill and Ted’s Excellent Journey.
[25/12/2020, 22:37:21] Ferran Luengo: DH: relaxed Xmas day. Attended the improv place office hours. Today it was very cozy because we were very few people. We cooked Xmas meal. Took a nap. Played Vader Immortal on the oculus and with Mai to Overcooked 2 and Injustice 2. We had light dinner watching Pixar’s Soul on Disney+ we liked it a lot.
[26/12/2020, 22:44:08] Ferran Luengo: DH: felt under the weather today. Watched Star Trek Discovery. Cooked lunch. Took a nap. In the evening I played Minigolf with Chris Mead and some American improvisers on Oculus VR. It’s mind blowing. Watched 30 Coins while dinning. Played the VR port of 1998’s Half-Life.
[28/12/2020, 00:18:28] Ferran Luengo: DH: Still in holidays mood, not doing much. Had pancakes for breakfast and watched the season finale of His Dark Materials. Work out with Beat Saber. We cooked paella for lunch. Had ISL session that turned into into a social and improv gossip because we were only a few. Tried AltspaceVR (kind of a Second Life VR with different rooms and stuff) and all the anxiety of the introvert showed not being able to engage conversation with anybody. Eventually, I talked to some people but not much. Had dinner watching The Sopranos.
[28/12/2020, 22:42:42] Ferran Luengo: DH: we went for a walk this morning despite the cold. Big grocery shopping on the way back. After lunch, a headache started to ruin my day. Had to lie down on the bed. Slept a little bit. Played trivial pursuit with Mai. She won. We played overcooked 2 as well. We had dinner watching The Sopranos.
[29/12/2020, 21:43:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: cats woke me up at 6 and couldn’t sleep anymore. Woke up and watched YouTube videos until breakfast. Cleaned the kitchen blasting David Bowie hits. Played Beat Saber. Nap after lunch. Started writing a post about 2020 I decided to go with the WhatsApp headlines spent 2 hours editing the WhatsApp export to keep just my entries. It’s going to be a long long post I’m sure nobody will read but I feel it’s good to document the year even if it’s for myself. We had dinner video chatting with a friend. We watched The Crown.
[30/12/2020, 23:48:00] Ferran Luengo: DH: walk to Primrose Hill after breakfast. Visit to Sainsbury’s on the way back. Had an ISL social after lunch. Spent most of the evening working on the 2020 wrap up post for my blog. Is going to be the longest post ever. Watched The Sopranos 5th season finale having dinner. Played Immortals Fenyx Rising.
Let’s hope for the best for the new year. Love you all.