
So long Cally

It’s been a busy summer, which explains why I’ve been a bit quieter than usual. After more than four years in London, we’ve taken a major step: we bought our own home. I think it clearly shows our intention to settle here for good. Call it destiny, serendipity, or whatever you like, but we’ve found our permanent place right next…Continue readingSo long Cally


End of term 23/24

Another school term has ended, marking my second one with Freshwater Theatre, a company I deeply admire for its dedication to bringing drama to schools. This term, I visited no fewer than 48 schools, where I facilitated workshops, told stories, and performed for hundreds—over a thousand—children. There are certainly lessons to be learned. Each experience, each school, and each child…Continue readingEnd of term 23/24


NHS Malaysian Nurses

A couple of weeks ago True Heart Theatre finished a big project for the Malaysian nurses of the NHS. Directed by Andy Yau, we devised a short scripted piece that prompted stories to playback to. It’s always an absolute pleasure to work and perform with True Heart. I’m looking forward to the projects that might come next term. Pictures by Jordan…Continue readingNHS Malaysian Nurses


I’m an accredited PT Trainer!

Eleven years ago, when I first discovered Playback Theatre, I never imagined how profoundly it would impact my life. Playback Theatre has enriched me in countless ways, from enhancing my artistic skills to deepening my understanding of people. Today, I am proud to announce that I am now an accredited Playback Theatre trainer. Sharing Playback Theatre with others has become…Continue readingI’m an accredited PT Trainer!


Once upon a time in China

One country, two cities, three flights, over forty people, and countless stories. I spent ten days in Mainland China, facilitating advanced playback practices. Our focus was on enhancing the dimensional work on stage and introducing acapella techniques to add a unique musical layer to the stories. La Strada Playback Theatre hosted me in Shanghai, while Kapok Theatre extended the same…Continue readingOnce upon a time in China


Birthday thoughts

Today is my birthday. Being born close to the end of the calendar year has its perks, like allowing me to reflect on both my personal experiences throughout the year since my last digit change and the overall events of the natural year. I must say, it’s been a good one – the first remarkable year in what has been,…Continue readingBirthday thoughts


ImprovFest Ireland 2023

Last November, once again, I flew to Dublin to attend my favourite Improv Festival. I’ve been coming to every single one since 2018 because I’m in awe of the fantastic and supportive community built in Dublin. The biggest part of the responsibility for that lies with my friend Neil Curran, a great improviser and facilitator and a terrible paella cook.…Continue readingImprovFest Ireland 2023


VI Iberian Playback Theatre Gathering

In November, we marked the sixth edition of the Iberian Playback Theatre Gathering in Barcelona. It’s hard to fathom that six years have passed since the inception of this event. Initially, we were merely a small group of Spanish and Portuguese playbackers, and over time, the gathering has raised international interest, drawing participants from many countries. This was evident as…Continue readingVI Iberian Playback Theatre Gathering


Yes and Let’s Watch

During the Playback Theatre leadership training, an important requirement is to write an essay that delves into a specific aspect of our experience. I initially struggled with finding a compelling theme. I wanted to write about something important. However, through discussions with my fellow leadership companions about improvisation, I had an epiphany – the answer had been within me for…Continue readingYes and Let’s Watch


Stepping forward

I recently returned from a trip to the United States where I did a lot of things I’ve never done before in the country. I bought something from Goodwill, danced at a community center concert, dived into a lake from a deck, drank beer on a porch while sitting in a rocking chair, visited local fairs, visited a bourbon distillery,…Continue readingStepping forward