applied theatre Blog improv playback theatre

Are things looking up?

It’s been a while since I last checked here as an individual human being and I thought it was about time to catch you up with what I’ve been doing. Things are still slow, I’m not going to lie. On a personal note, we don’t live in Camden anymore. After months of trying to work together in barely 39 square meters, we decided to move and now we are now inhabitants of “The Cally”, or what they use to call the Caledonian road at Islington borough. We are much happier in the new flat. We have a dedicated room as an office and the cats have plenty of space to run.

This, by our place, reminds us where we live

And a thing to be excited about… I had my first jab of the Moderna vaccine. I can feel the hope working on my RNA! The UK is opening up as the last months are fading in my memory like a nightmare. Yes, I know, maybe it’s too soon to claim victory but the numbers provided by the government helps to build up the expectations. I also might be able to travel to Camp Improv Utopia East in Pennsylvania next September!

On the professional side, things are dripping in. I keep rehearsing with True Heart Theatre and London Playback, I worked with social work students, I facilitate for Global Play Brigade, and I still close to Improv as a Second Language community. With London opening up I’m starting to feel the anxiety and the need to move my ass in the look for more opportunities to develop my career as an applied theatre facilitator and actor. I’ve been teaching playback theatre online, and that’s an experience I’d like to share more in detail next time. Oh, talking about playback theatre I’m honored to announce that I recently became a board member of the International Playback Theatre Network! I can’t wait to work closely with my fellow board members to strengthen the bonds of the playback theatre community worldwide.

Yay! Such a lovely board to be in!

Playback theatre had a huge presence in my life during the last months, not only by the mentioned IPTN board membership and my courses but also I got to learn online from several big names thanks to the Iberian school of PT. The next remarkable event will happen next July in southwest England well I finally I’ll be able to meet IRL fellow True Heart Theatre members on a weekend intensive focused on music and movement on PT.

And this summarizes what I’ve been up to these days. I’ll try to give two cents more often!

Stay safe, dear reader.

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