applied theatre Blog

Thank you BLINK

Since things started to open up I’ve been applying for facilitating positions without luck, but luck strikes in different ways. I happen to follow a lot of applied theatre accounts on Twitter and I read, from Siobhán’s account, a call for volunteering to help on a show by BLINK, an applied theatre company that facilitates and works with and for…Continue readingThank you BLINK

applied theatre Blog playback theatre

About teaching Playback Theatre online

We are way past the half of 2021. When the year began, I decided to start teaching my playback theatre introductory course online and it has been a very interesting ride. I taught this course before, in presential mode while life before lockdown, and it didn’t occur to me doing it online. The awkwardness of being dispersed through different homes…Continue readingAbout teaching Playback Theatre online

applied theatre Blog improv playback theatre

Are things looking up?

It’s been a while since I last checked here as an individual human being and I thought it was about time to catch you up with what I’ve been doing. Things are still slow, I’m not going to lie. On a personal note, we don’t live in Camden anymore. After months of trying to work together in barely 39 square…Continue readingAre things looking up?

applied theatre improv

It’s not competitive if you are building community

I’ve been in many conversations lately where the dark side of competitive improv has brought up. I agree with the fact that competition is able to bring out the worst of ourselves and can turn into a bitter experience something that is supposed to be funny for some participants. I’ve come from Valencia, an area in Spain where Canadian style…Continue readingIt’s not competitive if you are building community

applied theatre improv playback theatre resources VR

Could we do Playback Theatre on VR?

We are almost reaching the mark of one year since the pandemic started and the performers had to find shelter into the digital world. One year ago people couldn’t think of a video conference as a viable option to keep growing. Now, it’s a fact. It’s here for the long run looking at how things are developing right now. So,…Continue readingCould we do Playback Theatre on VR?

applied theatre Blog improv playback theatre

Improv London Podcast

From a few years back up until now one of the ways I had to expand my knowledge about improv was to listen Improv London Podcast. It was thanks to that that I was able to get to know amazing improvisers and an improv scene that I wasn’t aware I might become a part of in the future. I met…Continue readingImprov London Podcast

applied theatre improv playback theatre

Let me talk about Playback Theatre

If you have been digging in this site probably you’ve read that I’m a playback theatre practitioner. Today I feel the need to talk about it. Of course, no better way to talk about playback theatre that disclosing what is it and how this “playback” thing works. Follow me. The year is 1975, a very remarkable year in Spanish story…Continue readingLet me talk about Playback Theatre

applied theatre

Experience Sharing and Improv for Collective Creation

Collective creation has been, and is, a powerful tool for manifesting social concerns in troubled times. The main objective of its creation was to expose situations of injustice or social discomfort, as indicated by Augusto Boal in his writings about the theatre of the oppressed. However, in relatively wealthy countries like ours, we come closer to use collective creation, as…Continue readingExperience Sharing and Improv for Collective Creation