
2022 Recap (II)

Let’s continue the recap of this year with the second part of it. You can find the first part here.


I collaborated with the London Catalan School facilitation workshop for kids, parents and, finally, the staff. It felt amazing being able to facilitate in my mother tongue.

I visited Scotland for the first time ever to perform in Saint Andrews with Playback Edinburgh. It was one of the most challenging performances I’ve ever done because of the cold. Performing without shoes on a stone floor when it’s cold and rainy outside it’s not the best idea. Despite it, I greatly enjoyed it. We took the chance to visit the beautiful city of Edinburgh the following day.

Performing with Playback Edinburgh


This was the month when I took the courage to perform on an improvised hip-hop show for the Track96 course showcase. Being a non-native English speaker, having the right flow of thought and speech is very challenging. Especially when it comes to rhyming. As a shock therapy, I decided to join this course to force myself not only to attempt rhyming but to do it on beat.

The showcase went pretty well, and I even allowed myself to rap in Spanish, which was very well-received by the audience. However, I don’t feel that I’m ready for it. I still have a lot more practice to do to really feel comfortable with it. Nevertheless, I’m not scared anymore of doing it.

Performing at Hoopla Impro on the Track96 showcase.

Also, in May, I finished my Level 3 Playback Theatre training with Jo Salas herself. I learned a lot about conducting a session, the responsibilities towards social justice topics and about maintaining a Playback Theatre group.


The Queen’s jubilee month in the UK was also the Newham Heritage month. It was a busy month tying knots and editing videos to wrap up our collaboration on the project. We ended with a performance in Trinity Center. You can check all the records we created for the project on this page. True Heart Theatre also performed at Goldsmiths University earlier in the month.

Improv-wise, there were many rehearsals with Off Stave, and I finished the Acaprov musical improv course which also put to the test my skills in rhyming and rapping.

True Heart Theatre, after finishing the performance on the Newham Heritage month.

That finishes the recap of the first half of the year. Check Part III for the story of a busy September.

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