
Way to kick off the year

Relaxing over Ponte Vecchio in Florence

I’m back from a short holiday in Florence, Italy, and it felt like the best way to finish the first quarter of 2023. I’ve been very busy! Let’s recap… I’ve been delivering (a lot of) workshops and storytelling for Freshwater Theatre and True Heart Theatre. I worked on the Demonstrate! Project, at Brixton House, doing artistic support work for SEND kids and teens. I delivered an applied Catalan workshop for Queen Mary University students. Started the new project with the Valencians UK theatre group with Valencian and Catalan migrants. I’ve performed with London Playback Theatre. And, of course, I also have kept myself busy doing improv playing with Off Stave, Not GCSE Drama and Popcorn. Oh, and I managed to get myself into Spotlight.

So, hell yeah, I deserved to end the quarter strolling through the streets of the cradle of the renaissance while eating gelato.

My eyes are now on the current quarter, and it’s already exciting…

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