
Loving California

I recently returned from California where I spent mostly a week with friends. I enjoyed the natural surroundings while geocaching, stayed in lovely accommodations, and, of course, there was a lot of improv involved! I was there for Camp Improv Utopia West in Cambria, California. Yes, another camp. My last visit to CIU West was in 2019, and I missed…Continue readingLoving California


It is indeed a utopia

I have recently returned from teaching at two consecutive editions of Camp Improv Utopia Spain. I shared techniques and tools that we use in Playback Theatre to apply them in scene work. The kind words from the attendees who participated in my workshops filled me with confidence and silenced my inner critic. Becoming an Improv Utopia instructor, not just once…Continue readingIt is indeed a utopia


Way to kick off the year

I’m back from a short holiday in Florence, Italy, and it felt like the best way to finish the first quarter of 2023. I’ve been very busy! Let’s recap… I’ve been delivering (a lot of) workshops and storytelling for Freshwater Theatre and True Heart Theatre. I worked on the Demonstrate! Project, at Brixton House, doing artistic support work for SEND…Continue readingWay to kick off the year


2022 Recap (& IV)

With the last triad of months, I finish this recap of the year 2022. October The month started with a great Off Stave show at Hoopla’s pre-party before taking a few days off to go attend part of the Sitges International Film Festival. I love horror movies, and this is a festival I’ve been attending throughout the century. The pandemic…Continue reading2022 Recap (& IV)


2022 Recap (III)

The second half of the year was very juicy for me. July & August Slow summer months. Time to go home. We spent a few days in Valencia. We visited friends, attended a music festival, swam in the Mediterranean sea and enjoyed our hometown. It was very refreshing. Off Stave had good momentum with many rehearsals and performances, even debuting…Continue reading2022 Recap (III)


2022 Recap (II)

Let’s continue the recap of this year with the second part of it. You can find the first part here. April I collaborated with the London Catalan School facilitation workshop for kids, parents and, finally, the staff. It felt amazing being able to facilitate in my mother tongue. I visited Scotland for the first time ever to perform in Saint…Continue reading2022 Recap (II)


2022 Recap (I)

Dear blog, I’m so sorry. I’ve just blinked, and a year has passed. A year, thankfully, filled with growth on a personal and professional level. I wish my updates would come sooner, but my mind is what it is. I guess this will have to do. Settle for an unoriginal recap. The year’s tops. The Milestones. Time to sit down…Continue reading2022 Recap (I)


So long 2021

Here we are, at the end of the infamous 2020’s sequel. This year I won’t post a record of most of the days of 2021 like I did last year. This year I just want to offer a brief reflection about what this year has brought to me. Let’s admit that pandemic wise it hasn’t been as bad as 2020…Continue readingSo long 2021

applied theatre Blog

Thank you BLINK

Since things started to open up I’ve been applying for facilitating positions without luck, but luck strikes in different ways. I happen to follow a lot of applied theatre accounts on Twitter and I read, from Siobhán’s account, a call for volunteering to help on a show by BLINK, an applied theatre company that facilitates and works with and for…Continue readingThank you BLINK

applied theatre Blog playback theatre

About teaching Playback Theatre online

We are way past the half of 2021. When the year began, I decided to start teaching my playback theatre introductory course online and it has been a very interesting ride. I taught this course before, in presential mode while life before lockdown, and it didn’t occur to me doing it online. The awkwardness of being dispersed through different homes…Continue readingAbout teaching Playback Theatre online