applied theatre Blog improv playback theatre

Are things looking up?

It’s been a while since I last checked here as an individual human being and I thought it was about time to catch you up with what I’ve been doing. Things are still slow, I’m not going to lie. On a personal note, we don’t live in Camden anymore. After months of trying to work together in barely 39 square…Continue readingAre things looking up?

Blog playback theatre


I wish I could be one of those people who took the most of the pandemic lockdown and wrote a book or a play. Although it’s true that I’m writing more because of this situation, there are many factors that are affecting my creativity. Not that I’m claiming that I am a very creative person, I always struggle with that.…Continue readingCreativitired

Blog improv

Look, Mum, no mother tongue!

The year 2020 will be remembered for the rise of the online improv scene. The now called zoomprov, because of the main platform chosen for this purpose (sorry Google, you released free Meet too late). It destroyed all territorial boundaries to bring people from all over the world to play together. Of course, everybody was doing it… in English. This…Continue readingLook, Mum, no mother tongue!


2020 for the record

So, 2020 is over and it deserved an infamous spot in history books. A lot of tragedy struck a lot of people. As much I struggled with the many lockdowns and self isolations ,I consider myself lucky for staying healthy. 2020 brought a lot of silver linings like online improv and playback theatre. I also will remember this year as…Continue reading2020 for the record


Happy Holidays

Just a quick reminder to, even in the darkest times, enjoy our time with our love ones even if it’s in the distance. The streets might be empty, but let’s keep our hearts full. Sit, eat, drink, enjoy yourselves and hope for better times to come. I’m sure they will come. Meanwhile, please, be safe and keep everybody safe. These…Continue readingHappy Holidays

applied theatre Blog improv playback theatre

Improv London Podcast

From a few years back up until now one of the ways I had to expand my knowledge about improv was to listen Improv London Podcast. It was thanks to that that I was able to get to know amazing improvisers and an improv scene that I wasn’t aware I might become a part of in the future. I met…Continue readingImprov London Podcast


Hello, London

The blaring sound of the train anticipates one of the multiple mini-earthquakes that shakes slightly the apartment where we live. It’s like that whenever a train passes by. “Better get used to it.” I said to myself knowing that we are going to be here for a long time. An I already did. Besides rail tracks and the distant buildings,…Continue readingHello, London